Call Number (LC) Title Results
RE14 .G57 Contributions to ophthalmic science : dedicated to Dr. Edward Jackson in honor of his seventieth birthday, March 30, 1926 / 1
RE14 .L563 1966 Acute posterior vitreous detachment and its retinal complications : a clinical biomicroscopic study / 1
RE21 Encyclopedia of ophthalmology / 1
RE21 .D42 1980 Dictionary of visual science / 2
RE21 .H64 2008 Quick reference dictionary of eyecare terminology / 1
RE21 .H67 2013eb Dictionary of ophthalmology : English-Spanish, Spanish-English = Diccionario de oftalmología : Inglés-Castellano, Castellano-Inglés / 1
RE24 .D65 1939 To regulate the practice of optometry in the District of Columbia. : Hearing before the Subcommittee on Public Health, Hospitals and Charities of the Committee on the District of Columbia, House of Representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, first session, on H.R. 278 and H.R. 5238, bills to regulate the practice of optometry in the District of Columbia. 1
RE26 Ophthalmic pathology : the evolution of modern concepts /
Dates in ophthalmology /
RE26 .M37 2023 Ophthalmic pathology : the evolution of modern concepts / 1
RE30.G7 M68 2019 Sight correction : vision and blindness in eighteenth-century Britain / 1
RE36.A76 A new beginning in sight / 1
RE36.B78 The beauty of dusk : on vision lost and found / 2
RE36.H56 A3 1993 Second sight / 1
RE36.O84 A3 2020eb The real ABCs : a surgeon's analysis and a father's legacy / 1
RE36.S88 Erika Sutter : seen with other eyes : memories of a Swiss eye doctor in rural South Africa / 1
RE41 .B3 A briefe treatise touching the preservation of the eyesight consisting partly in good order of diet and partly in use of medicine / 2
RE41 .B74 Ophthalmo-graphia, sive, Oculi ejusque partium descripto anatomica 2
RE41 .B74 1685 Nova visionis theoria regiæ societati Londin. proposita /
Ophthalmo-graphia, sive, Oculi ejusq, partium descripto anatomica cui accessit nova visionis theoria, Regiæ Societati Londin. proposita /
RE41 .B74 1687 Ophthalmographia, sive, Oculi ejusque partium descriptio anatomica / 2
RE41 .C53 2015 Yan ke ji cheng / 1