Call Number (LC) Title Results
RG732 .E975 2005eb Evidence-based obstetric anesthesia / 1
RG732 .M29 1998 Pain in childbearing and its control / 1
RG732 .O2634 2007eb Obstetric anesthesia / 1
RG732 .O2645 2008 Obstetric anesthesia and uncommon disorders / 2
RG732 .O27 2008eb Obstetrics for Anaesthetists / 1
RG732 .O47 2019 Obstetric anesthesiology : an illustrated case-based approach / 1
RG732 .P35 1993 Pain and its relief in childbirth : the results of a national survey / 1
RG732 .P35 2002eb Handbook of obstetric anesthesia 1
RG732 .Q53 2022 Quick hits in obstetric anesthesia / 1
RG732 .R83 1993 Problems in obstetric anaesthesia analysis and management / 1
RG732 .T6 Easier motherhood; a discussion of the abolition of needless pain, 1
RG732 .W48 2020 Planning the teamwork, endpoints, and design of an observational study on neuraxial labor analgesia and breastfeeding success : advantages, difficulties, and drawbacks of a truly multi- and interdisciplinary approach / 1
RG732 .W76 2009 Deliver me from pain : anesthesia and birth in America / 1
RG732 .Y46 2013 Analgesia, anaesthesia, and pregnancy : a practical guide / 1
RG732 ebook Enfermería y analgesia obstétrica / 1
RG733.E844 C536 1991 A treatise on etherization in childbirth / 1
RG734 After Tiller /
Avortement sécurisé : directives techniques et stratégiques à l'intention des systèmes de santé /
San Francisco's Queen of Vice the Strange Career of Abortionist Inez Brown Burns.
RG734 .A18 1981 Abortion and sterilization medical and social aspects / 1
RG734 .A196 Abortion : Medical Progress and Social Implications. 1
RG734 .A196 1985eb Abortion medical progress and social implications. 1