Call Number (LC) Title Results
RG852 .K564 2009eb Therapy and the postpartum woman : notes on healing postpartum depression for clinicians and the women who seek their help / 1
RG852 .L64 2008eb Hilfe, ich kann mein Kind nicht lieben : Postpartale Depression: Krankheitsbild, Verlauf, Ursachen, Therapiemglichkeiten. 1
RG852 .M47 2017 This close to happy : a reckoning with depression / 1
RG852 .N53 1998eb Post-natal depression : psychology, science and the transition to motherhood / 1
RG852 .N533 2001eb Postnatal depression : facing the paradox of loss, happiness and motherhood / 1
RG852 .P438 2008eb Perinatal and postpartum mood disorders : perspectives and treatment guide for the health care practitioner / 1
RG852 .P468 2017eb Perinatal mental health and the military family : identifying and treating mood and anxiety disorders / 1
RG852 .P47 2013 Perinatal depression among Spanish-speaking and Latin American women : a global perspective on detection and treatment / 1
RG852 .P684 1997 Postpartum depression and child development / 1
RG852 .P7513 2020 Handbook of perinatal clinical psychology : from theory to practice / 1
RG852 .S37 2005eb Screening for perinatal depression / 1
RG852 .S44 2012eb Depressionen nach der Schwangerschaft : wie soziale Beratung zur Prävention postpartaler Depressionen beitragen kann / 1
RG852 .S53 1997 Out of me : the story of a postnatal breakdown / 1
RG852 .W47 2011eb Motherhood and postnatal depression narratives of women and their partners / 1
RG852 .W66 2019 Dear Scarlet : the story of my postpartum depression / 1
RG852 ebook La depresión postparto : salir del silencio / 1
RG861 .M37 1983 Maternal diet, breast-feeding capacity, and lactational infertility : report of a joint UNU/WHO workshop held in Cambridge, United Kingdom, 9-11 March 1981 / 1
RG940 The Molecular Basis for the Link between Maternal Health and the Origin of Fetal Congenital Abnormalities : an Overview of Association with Oxidative Stress.
Maternity services and policy in an international context : risk, citizenship and welfare regimes /
Maternal mortality, human rights and accountability /
MANAGEMENT, ORGANISATION AND CHILDBIRTH towards a new model for the birth path.
Preconception health and care a life course approach /
Reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health /
Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 2) : Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health.
Complex social issues and the perinatal woman
Maternal mortality, human rights and accountability
RG940-991 Children's healthcare and parental media engagement in urban China : a culture of anxiety? / 1
RG940 .A384 2013eb Supporting a Physiologic Approach to Pregnancy and Birth : a Practical Guide / 2