Call Number (LC) Title Results
RJ499.A1 C42 vol. 9 New approaches to mental health from birth to adolescence / 1
RJ499.A1 C42 vol. 10 Why children reject school : views from seven countries / 1
RJ499.A1 .C42 vol. 11 Children and violence / 1
RJ499.A1 C427 Child personality & psychopathology: Current topics. 1
RJ499.A1 C43 Child psychiatry and human development
Child psychiatry and human development.
RJ499.A1 C5 Child personality & psychopathology: Current topics. 1
RJ499.A1 E95 1967 Concilium paedopsychiatricum. : Verhandlungen des 3. Europäischen Kongresses für Pädopsychiatrie = Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Pedopsychiatry = Comptes rendus du 3e Congrès Europèen de Pedopsychiatrie, Wiesbaden, 4.-9. Mai, 1967 / 1
RJ499.A1 E98 European child & adolescent psychiatry. 1
RJ499.A1 ebook Mi papa me mima / 1
RJ499.A1 J57 Journal of abnormal child psychology.
Journal of abnormal child psychology
RJ499.A1 J574 Journal of adolescence.
Journal of adolescence
RJ499.A1 J58 Journal of autism and developmental disorders.
Journal of autism and developmental disorders
RJ499.A1 J6 Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines. 1
RJ499.A1 J64 Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry.
RJ499.A1 P83 1975 The Psychoanalytic study of the child, volumes 1-25 : abstracts and index. 3
RJ499.A1 S87 A Study of child variance / 1
RJ499.A1 S88 A Study of child variance / 1
RJ499.A1 T47 Three clinical faces of childhood / 2
RJ499.A1 T7 Readings on the exceptional child: research and theory / 1
RJ499 .A32 Developmental psychopathology / 1