Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
RJ503.7.P55 S39 2000eb | Early years play : a happy medium for assessment and intervention / | 1 |
RJ503.7.P76 C45 1991 | Using projective techniques with children : a guide to clinical assessment / | 1 |
RJ503.7.P76 K45 1996 | Object relations assessment in younger children : Rorschach and TAT measures / | 1 |
RJ503.7.P76 .K45 1997eb | The assessment of object relations phenomena in adolescents : TAT and Rorschach measures / | 1 |
RJ503.7.P76 P48 1997 | Children in distress : a guide for screening children's art / | 2 |
RJ503.7.P76 S55 2007eb | The Silver drawing test and draw a story : assessing depression, aggression, and cognitive skills / | 2 |
RJ503.7.S83 A38 1990z | Adult SASSI-2 : manual supplement. | 1 |
RJ503.7.T45 T44 1992 | Clinical use of story telling : emphasizing the T.A.T. with children and adolescents / | 2 |
RJ503.7.W35 W35 1983 | Walker problem behavior identification checklist / | 1 |
RJ503.7.W35 W35 1983 manual | Walker problem behavior identification checklist / | 1 |
RJ504 |
Supervision in a changing world : reflections from child psychotherapy / Psicoterapia infantil la metáfora como técnica de devolución / An independent practitioner's introduction to child and adolescent psychotherapy : playing with ideas / Nurturing children : from trauma to growth using attachment theory, psychoanalysis and neurobiology / Psychic Hooks and Bolts Psychoanalytic Work with Children Under Five and their Families. The Buddha and the baby : psychotherapy and meditation in working with children and adults / Children in difficulty : a guide to understanding and helping / The child psychotherapy treatment planner / Examining pediatric therapy talk using discursive psychology. Mentalizing in child therapy : guidelines for clinical practitioners / Mentalization-based treatment for adolescents : a practical treatment guide / The child psychotherapy progress notes planner / Child psychotherapy, war and the normal child / Skills in counselling & psychotherapy with children & young people / Counselling and Supporting Children and Young People : a Person-centred Approach. Psychoanalytic approaches to the treatment of children and adolescents, tradition, and transformation / Psychotherapy with severely deprived children Psychodynamic treatment of children with severe emotional disturbances / PSYCHOANALYSIS AND SEVERE DISORDERS IN YOUNG CHILDREN clinical and community work with... autism spectrum disorder and child mental health. Children in Difficulty : a Guide to Understanding and Helping. SUPERVISION CAN BE PLAYFUL;TECHNIQUES FOR CHILD AND PLAY THERAPIST SUPERVISORS Family-focused treatment for child and adolescent mental health : a new paradigm / Continuing trends in child psychotherapy : featuring video feedback with a depressed mother and her infant / Therapeutic practice in schools : working with the child within : a clinical workbook for counsellors, psychotherapists, and arts therapists / Adolescent suicide and self-injury mentalizing theory and treatment / An independent mind : collected papers of Juliet Hopkins / Infant observation at the heart of training / Child Therapy: Concepts, Strategies, And Decision Making : Concepts Strategies & Decision Making / TRUANTS FROM LIFE; THEORY AND THERAPY Using art, play, metaphor, and symbol with hard-to-reach young clients : reach out to me / Psicoterapia infantil : orientaciones para el trabajo clínico con niños / Quietly subversive : the selected works of Dilys Daws / Through windows of opportunity : a neuroaffective approach to child psychotherapy / |
34 |
RJ504 .A35 1986 | Advances in therapies for children / | 1 |
RJ504 .A43 1988 | Inscapes of the child's world : Jungian counseling in schools and clinics / | 2 |
RJ504 .A484 2015eb | Alternative perspectives on psychiatric validation : DSM, IDC, RDoC, and Beyond / | 1 |
RJ504 .A87 2010 | Assessing change in psychoanalytic psychotherapy of children and adolescents : today's challenge / | 1 |
RJ504 .A87 2010eb | Assessing change in psychoanalytic psychotherapy of children and adolescents : today's challenge / | 1 |
RJ504 .A88 2000 | Assessment in Child Psychotherapy. | 1 |
RJ504.A9 eBook | Dibs en busca del sí mismo : desarrollo de la personalidad en la terapia del juego / | 1 |
RJ504 .A97 | Dibs: in search of self : personality development in play therapy / | 1 |
RJ504 .A97 1967 | Dibs: in search of self / | 1 |