Call Number (LC) Title Results
RM171 .I56 Proceedings of the ... Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion. 1
RM171 .I564 2001 Transmissible diseases and blood transfusion : proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen, NL / 1
RM171 .M33 2012eb Transfusion medicine / 1
RM171 .M338 2021 Transfusion Medicine. 1
RM171 .M43 2013eb Medecine transfusionnelle : le modele français / 1
RM171 .M495 2023 Transfusion medicine : case studies and clinical management / 1
RM171 .M55 2012 Transfusion medicine case studies and clinical management / 1
RM171.M6 2005 RM171 Mollison's Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine. 1
RM171 .N365 2023 The social production of crisis : blood, politics, and death in France and the United States / 1
RM171 .P5 The blood plasma program / 1
RM171 .P53 2023 Platelet-rich plasma in tissue repair and regeneration : technology and transformation application / 1
RM171 .P727 2022  
RM171 .P73 2017 Practical transfusion medicine / 2
RM171 .P75 2022 Rossi's principles of transfusion medicine / 1
RM171 .R466 1989 Responsibilities of health authorities in the field of blood transfusion : recommendation no. R (88) 4 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 7 March 1988 and explanatory memorandum. 1
RM171 .S225 2002 Safe blood and blood products. 1
RM171 .S34 2013eb The history of blood transfusion in Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
RM171 .S35 Blutkonservierung und Transfusion von konserviertem Blut / 1
RM171 .S74 1992 The safety of the blood supply : report of a roundtable discussion / 1
RM171 .S926 1999eb Clinical transfusion medicine / 1