Call Number (LC) Title Results
RM301.45 .H38 2007eb Bioequivalence studies in drug development methods and applications / 1
RM301.45 .N53 2015eb Handbook of bioequivalence testing 1
RM301.45 .P39 Mosby's genRx.
Physicians' genRx.
RM301.45 .P454 1991 Pharmaceutical bioequivalence / 1
RM301.5 Introduction to population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis with nonlinear mixed effects models /
ADME processes in pharmaceutical sciences : dosage, design, and pharmacotherapy success /
Advanced Methods of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Systems Analysis Volume 3 /
Mathematical modeling of pharmacokinetic data /
Handbook of pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics /
Drug disposition and pharmacokinetics : principles and applications for medicine, toxicology and biotechnology /
Advances in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics /
Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling methods and applications in toxicology and risk assessment /
Translational ADMET for drug therapy : principles, methods, and pharmaceutical applications /
Equilibria and kinetics of biological macromolecules /
Biophysical methods for biotherapeutics : discovery and development applications /
Pharmaceutical amorphous solid dispersions /
Equilibria and kinetics of biological macromolecules
Pharmacokinetics basics to applications /
Solubility, Delivery and ADME Problems of Drugs and Drug-Candidates.
Amorphous solid dispersions : theory and practice /
Revising oral pharmacokinetics, bioavailability and bioequivalence based on the finite absorption time concept /
Biophysical characterization of proteins in developing biopharmaceuticals /
The ADME encyclopedia : a comprehensive guide on biopharmacy and pharmacokinetics /
Side effects of drugs annual : a worldwide yearly survey of new data in adverse drug reactions /
Essentials of pharmacodynamics and drug action /
The art and science of physiologically-based pharmacokinetics modeling /
ADME processes in pharmaceutical sciences : dosage, design, and pharmacotherapy /
Medical affairs : the roles, value and practice of medical affairs in the biopharmaceutical and medical technology industries /
Pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics /
Nano-pharmacokinetics and theranostics advancing cancer therapy /
Pharmaceutical formulations for older patients /
Pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetic considerations
Basic pharmacokinetics /
Pharmacokinetic principles of dosing adjustments : understanding the basics /
RM301.5 .A66 Applied pharmacokinetics : principles of therapeutic drug monitoring / 1
RM301.5 .B348 2005eb Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling and simulation 1
RM301.5 .B348 2011 Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling and simulation 1
RM301.5 .B56 1990eb Advanced methods of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic systems analysis / 1
RM301.5 .B56 2021  
RM301.5 .B567 2022  
RM301.5 .C57 2020 Circadian pharmacokinetics / 1
RM301.5 .C66 2018 Concepts in clinical pharmacokinetics / 1
RM301.5 .C863 2010 Drug disposition and pharmacokinetics from principles to applications / 1
RM301.5 .C863 2011 Drug disposition and pharmacokinetics : from principles to applications / 1
RM301.5 .C863 2011eb  
RM301.5 .E33 The Effect of disease states on drug pharmacokinetics : a symposium, 123rd annual meeting, American Pharmaceutical Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1976 / 1
RM301.5 .G5 Pharmacokinetics / 1
RM301.5 .G5 1982eb Pharmacokinetics 1
RM301.5 .G83 1984 Drug dynamics for analytical, clinical, and biological chemists / 1