Call Number (LC) Title Results
RS51 .P24 1986 Drug reference guide to brand names and active ingredients / 1
RS51 .R88 Pharmaceutical directory of all the crude drugs now in general use; their etymology and names in alphabetical order. 1
RS51 .S54 The pill book : the illustrated guide to the most prescribed drugs in the United States / 1
RS51 .S56 Pharmaceutical manufacturing encyclopedia / 1
RS51 .S8 Codex vegetabilis. : Plantaardige drogerijen en specerijen, vak-woordenboek in 5 talen (Latijn, Nederlandsch, Duitsch, Englesch en Fransch) met de stamplanten et met de families ... Botanical drugs and spices. Trade-dictionary in 5 languages (Latin, Dutch, German, English, and French) with the botanical origin and with the families. 1
RS51 .S8 1957 Codex vegetabilis. 1
RS51 .Y56 1986 Ying Han yao xue ming ci ci dian = English Chinese glossary of pharmacy / 1
RS55 .A44 1976 APhA drug names : an index of drug names / 1
RS55 .B75 British approved names / 1
RS55 .U54 USP dictionary of USAN and international drug names.
USAN and the USP dictionary of drug names.
RS55.2 Generic drug product development : solid oral dosage forms /
Pharmacological considerations in gerontology : a patient-centered guide for advanced practice registered nurses and related health professions /
Apakah yang anda perlu tahu tentang ubat generik.
RS55.2 .E23 2019 Bottle of lies : the inside story of the generic drug boom / 1
RS55.2 .G454 2010 Generic drug product development : international regulatory requirements for bioequivalence / 1
RS55.2 .G456 2010 Generic Drug Product Development : Specialty Drug Forms. 1
RS55.2 G456 2010eb Generic drug product development : specialty dosage forms / 1
RS55.2 .G465 2009eb Generic drugs : needs and issues / 1
RS55.2 .M37 1985i Generic substitution and prescription drug prices economic effects of state drug product selection laws / 1
RS55.2 M489 2007eb Medicamentos genéricos : una aproximación interdisciplinar / 1
RS55.2 .P47 PDR generics. 2
RS55.2 .P48 Mosby's drugconsult.
Mosby's genRx.
Physicians' genRx.