Call Number (LC) Title Results
RT71 .K43 2015eb Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing / 1
RT71 .L384 2012 Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing / 2
RT71 .L423 2020 Leadership and systems improvement for the DNP / 1
RT71 .L636 2021 Collaborative Learning in Practice Coaching to Support Student Learners in Healthcare. 1
RT71.M35 2010eb Clinical Teaching Made Easy : a practical guide to teaching and learning in clinical settings. 1
RT71 .M35 2020 Applying grounded theory methods to investigate evidence-based practice integration into undergraduate nurse education / 1
RT71.M352010eb Teaching and learning in clinical settings / 1
RT71 .N35 1917 Standard curriculum for schools of nursing / 1
RT71 .N76 2008eb Nursing education : foundations for practice excellence / 1
RT71 .N85 1926a A sound economic basis for schools of nursing and other addresses / 1
RT71 .P42 2013eb The student nurse toolkit : an essential guide for surviving your course / 1
RT71 .R68 2020 Routledge international handbook of nurse education / 2
RT71 .T347 2003eb Teaching the practitioners of care : new pedagogies for the health professions / 1
RT71 .U67 1947 Cost analysis for schools of nursing : a manual of methods and procedures / 1
RT71 .U68 1966 A guide for projecting space needs for schools of nursing / 1
RT71 .U97 2005eb Curriculum development in nursing : process and innovations / 1
RT71 .W35 2007eb Coaching standardized patients : for use in the assessment of clinical competence / 2
RT71 ebook Metodología enfermera : taxonomías y planes de cuidados estandarizados / 1
RT73 Systemische Beratung in Pflege und Pflegebildung : Anregungen Zur Weiterentwicklung Neuer Beruflicher Kompetenzen.
Nursing /
Caring and community : concepts and models for service-learning in nursing /
Exploring nurse educators' teaching philosophy statements : an emergent mixed-methods research project /
A mixed-methods approach to occupational commitment in student nurses /
So you want to teach clinical? : a guide for new clinical instructors /
Clinical teaching strategies in nursing /
Enfermeria [electronic resource] los procesos de evaluacion en el escenario de la disciplina del cuidado.
The intersection : where evidence based nursing and information literacy meet /
Health care education : the challenge of the market /
RT73 .A3 1964 Patients and personnel speak : a method of studying patient care in hospitals / 1