Call Number (LC) Title Results
S 1.128:D 84/986 The drug problem : Americans arrested abroad. 1
S 1.128:D 84/987 The Drug problem : Americans arrested abroad. 1
S 1.128:D 84/988 The Drug problem : Americans arrested abroad. 1
S 1.128:D 84/989 The Drug problem : Americans arrested abroad. 1
S 1.128:Ea 7 Eastern Europe, US policy. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7 Economic policy : US generalized system of tariff preferences. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/3 US-Soviet economic relations. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/4 Economic policy coordination and the dollar. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/4/989 Economic policy coordination and the dollar. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/5 Structural adjustment and economic performance. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/5/989 Structural adjustment and economic performance. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/6 Economic summits, 1981-88. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/7 US economic relations with East Asia and the Pacific. 1
S 1.128:Ec 7/8 US foreign economic policy, 1990. 1
S 1.128:El 1/2 El Salvador. 1
S 1.128:El 1/3 El Salvador, certification process. 1
S 1.128:El 1/3/983 El Salvador, certification process. 1
S 1.128:El 1/4/983 El Salvador's land reform. 1
S 1.128:El 1/4/985 El Salvador's land reform. 1
S 1.128:El 1 s/980 El Salvador : US policy. 1