Call Number (LC) Title Results
S 1.129:24 U.S. trade with the European Community, 1958-1975. 1
S 1.129:25 Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC) 1
S 1.129:26 Energy consumption and production, 1950-74. 1
S 1.129:28 U.S. initiatives for world development. 1
S 1.129:29 Trade of NATO countries with communist countries. 1
S 1.129:30 Trade of European non-NATO countries and Japan with Communist counties. 1
S 1.129:31 Economic growth of OECD countries, 1966-1976 / 1
S 1.129:32 U.S. trade with the European Community, 1958-1976. 1
S 1.129:33 The planetary product in 1975 and a preview for 1976. 1
S 1.129:37 The defense and neutrality of the Panama Canal under the new treaties. 1
S 1.129:38 Trade of NATO countries with Communist counties / 1
S 1.129:41 Economic growth of OECD countries, 1967-1977. 1
S 1.129:42 UNGA Special Session on Disarmament / 1
S 1.129:43 The Belgrade followup meeting to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, October 4, 1977-March 9, 1978. 1
S 1.129:46 The strategic Arms Limitation Talks. 1
S 1.129:46/2 The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks / 1
S 1.129:47 Soviet civil defense. 1
S 1.129:50 Trade of NATO countries with Communist countries, 1974-1977 / 1
S 1.129:55 Compliance with SALT I agreements / 1
S 1.129:56 Verfication of SALT II agreement. 1