Call Number (LC) Title Results
S 1.2:AT 7/5 Publications on atomic energy and conventional armaments. 1
S 1.2:At 8/1 Digest of the published opinions of the Attorneys-General , and of the leading decisions of the Federal courts with reference to international law, treaties, and kindred subjects. 1
S 1.2:Au 2h U.S. efforts to reduce heroin trafficking in Southeast Asia : Report of Audit. 1
S 1.2:Au 8 Automated data processing equipment and support services : request for proposal / 1
S 1.2:Au 8/2 Authentication services. 1
S 1.2:Av 3 Message from the President of the United States : communicating ... information upon the subject of the Aves island. 1
S 1.2:AV 5 Avian influenza international partnership to meet a global threat. 1
S 1.2:AV 5/2 North American plan for avian & pandemic influenza developed as part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. 1
S 1.2:Ax 4 The Axis in defeat, a collection of documents on American policy toward Germany and Japan.
The axis in defeat. : A collection of documents on American policy toward Germany and Japan.
S 1.2:B 12 In field of world affairs, get background on problem. 1
S 1.2:B 27 The Barrundia case. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives, a report of the Secretary of State and accompanying correspondence in relation to the killing of General J. Martin Barrundia. 1
S 1.2:B 31/ Battling international bribery. 1
S 1.2:B 43 Questions and answers concerning benefits payable to family members under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System. 1
S 1.2:B 43/2 [Accountability Review Board report for Benghazi] 1
S 1.2:B 43ny Benefits to New York from reciprocal trade agreements. 1
S 1.2:B 45 Papers relating to Behring Sea fisheries 2
S 1.2:B 45/3 Berlin Congress
Berlin Congress.
S 1.2:B 52/2 The United States Man and the Biosphere Program. 1
S 1.2:B 52/2/996 The United States Man and the Biosphere Program. 1
S 1.2:B 52/3 Strategic plan for the U.S. biosphere reserve program. 2