Call Number (LC) Title Results
S 4.9:6 pt.3 India rubber : report from the consuls of the United States, in answer to a circular from the Department of State. 1
S4.9:7 pt.1 Stave trade in foreign countries : reports from the counsuls of the United States in answer to a circular from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:8 Fire and building regulations in foreign countries : reports from the consulsof the United States in answer to a circular from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:9 pt.2 Vagrancy and public charities in foreign countries : reports from the consuls of the United States in answer to a circular from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:10 pt.2-3/1897 Extension of markets for American flour. 1
S 4.9:11/1897 American lumber in foreign markets. 1
S 4.9:12 Highways of commerce : the ocean lines, railways, canals, and other trade routes of foreign countries. 1
S 4.9:12/1899 Highways of commerce : the ocean lines, railways, canals, and other trade routes of foreign countries. 1
S 4.9:13/1896 Money and prices in foreign countries, being a series of reports upon the currency systems of various nations in their relation to prices of commodities and wages of labor. 1
S 4.9:14 Drug trade in foreign countries. 1
S 4.9:14-15 pt.1-2 Sericulture and silk reeling from the cocoons by machinery ; Cultivation of the English walnut : reports from the consuls of the United States, in answer to instructions from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:15 pt.1 Soap trade in foreign countries ; Screws, nuts, and bolts in foreign countries ; Argols in Europe. Rabbits and rabbit furs in Europe ; Cultivation of ramie in foreign countries : reports from the consuls of the United States in answer to circulars from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:15 pt.2 Sericulture and silk reeling from the cocoons by machinery ; Cultivation of the English walnut : reports from the consuls of the United States, in answer to instructions from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:16/ Tariffs of foreign countries : reports from diplomatic and consular officers in answer to instructions from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:17 Disposal of sewage and garbage in foreign countries ; Foreign trade in coal tar and by-products : reports from consuls of the United States in answer to circulars from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:17-18 Disposal of sewage and garbage in foreign countries ; Foreign trade in coal tar and by-products : reports from consuls of the United States in answer to circulars from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:18 Merchant marine of foreign countries : reports from consuls of the United States in answer to instructions from the Department of State / 1
S 4.9:19 Paper in foreign countries ; Uses of wood-pulp , reports from consuls of the United States, in answer to instructions from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:20 pt.1 Book cloth in foreign countries ; Market for market-make clothing in Latin America; Foreign imports of American tobacco; Cigar and cigarette industry in Latin America : Reports from consuls of the United States in answer to instructions from the Department of State. 1
S 4.9:20 pt.1-3 Stave trade in foreign countries : reports from the counsuls of the United States in compliance with a circular from the Department of State. 1