Call Number (LC) Title Results
S 4.9:25 Stored goods as collateral for loans. 1
S 4.9:26 Briquettes as fuel in foreign countries. 1
S 4.9/a:Eu 74 European emigration : studies in Europe of emigration moving out of Europe, especially that flowing to the United States / 1
S4.9/year Registered professional lobbyists /
Registered professional lobbyists, State of Colorado registered legislative liaisons and professional lobbyist employers.
Registered professional lobbyists and state employee/official lobbyists /
S5 .30 :76 Facsimile of the Charter of the United Nations, Statute of the International Court of Justice, and interim arrangements in five languages, signed at the United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, California, June 26, 1945. 1
S5 .F44 La F.N.S.E.A. 1
S 5.10: Protocols of proceedings of the International Marine Conference / 1
S5.10/ Corporate master file. 1
S 5.10:1 Protocols of proceedings of International Marine Conference, held in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Oct. 16 to Dec. 31, 1889 on establishment of international rules for protection of life and property at sea, with conference program and proceedings from.
Protocols of proceedings of International Marine Conference, held in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Oct. 16 to Dec. 31, 1889 on establishment of international rules for protection of life and property at sea, with conference program and proceedings from ..
S 5.10:2 Protocols of proceedings of International Marine Conference, held in Washington, D.C., U.S.A., Oct. 16 to Dec. 31, 1889, Vol. 2 1
S 5.10:3 International Marine Conference, 1889: Reports of committees, and report of U.S. delegates to Secretary of State
International Marine Conference, 1889 Reports of committees, and report of U.S. delegates to Secretary of State.
S5.10/year/mo Corporate master file. 1
S 5.11:1881 Proceedings of the International Sanitary Conference : provided for by joint resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives in the early part of 1881. 1
S 5.12:R 13 Notas acerca de un ferrocarril por Centro America, presentadas por la delegacion de Costa Rica a la Conferencia de Paz Centro-Americana 2
S 5.12:R 29 Central American Peace Conference, held at Washington, D.C., 1907 2
S 5.13:878/2 International Monetary Conference : held, in compliance with the invitation extended to certain governments of Europe by the government of the United States, in pursuance of the second section of the Act of Congress of February 28, 1878, in Paris, in August, 1878, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of France. Senate executive document no. 58, forty-fifth Congress, third session. 1
S 5.13:881/1 Proceedings of International Monetary Conference, held in compliance with invitation extended to European governments by Governments of France and of U.S., in Paris, in Apr., May, June, and July 1881, under auspices of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of French Republic 2
S 5.14/2:2 F 49 The final act and interpretative commentary thereon / 1
S 5.14/2:2An 7/2 Second Pan American Scientific Congress; Dec. 27, 1915-Jan. 8, 1916, Washington D.C 2nd special announcement to members of Congress.
Second Pan American Scientific Congress; Dec. 27, 1915-Jan. 8, 1916, Washington D.C. : 2nd special announcement to members of Congress.
S 5.14/2:2An 7/3 Second Pan American Scientific Congress; Dec. 27, 1915-Jan. 8, 1916, Washington D.C 2nd special announcement to members of Congress.
Second Pan American Scientific Congress; Dec. 27, 1915-Jan. 8, 1916, Washington D.C. : 2nd special announcement to members of Congress.