S 7.5:74-1/305
An Act to Provide for the Sound, Effective, and Uninterrupted Operation of the Banking System, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:74-2/675
An Act to Amend the Grain Futures Act to Prevent and Remove Obstructions and Burdens upon Interstate Commerce in Grains and Other Commodities by Regulating Transactions Therein on Commodity Futures Exchanges, to Limit or Abolish Short Selling, to Curb Manipulation, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:74-2/692
An Act to Amend Section 2 of the Act Entitled "An Act to Supplement Existing Laws against Unlawful Restraints and Monopolies, and for Other Purposes," Approved October 15, 1914, as Amended (U. S. C., Title 15, Sec. 13), and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:75-3/718
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of Fair Labor Standards in Employments in and Affecting Interstate Commerce, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:76-1/19
An Act to Provide for Reorganizing Agencies of the Government, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:79-1/84
An Act to Amend Sections 11 (c) and 16 of the Federal Reserve Act, as Amended, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:79-1/171
An Act to provide for the Participation of the United States in the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. |
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S 7.5:79-1/173
An Act to provide for increasing the lending authority of the Export-Import Bank of Washington. |
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S 7.5:79-2/304
An Act to Declare a National Policy on Employment, Production, and Purchasing Power, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:80-2/897
An Act to Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Stabilize Prices of Agricultural Commodities; to Amend Section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, Reenacted by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:81-2/706
An Act to Provide for the Conversion of National Banking Associations into and Their Merger or Consolidation with State Banks, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:81-2/715
An Act to Permit National Banks to Give Security in the Form Required by State Law for Deposits of Funds by Local Public Agencies and Officers. |
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S 7.5:81-2/797
An Act to Amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (U.S.C., title 12, sec. 264) |
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S 7.5:83-1/202
An Act to Increase Farmer Participation on Ownership and Control of the Federal Farm Credit System, to Create a Federal Farm Credit Board, to Abolish Certain Offices, to Impose a Franchise Tax upon Certain Farm Credit Institutions, and for Other Purposes. |
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S 7.5:84-2/511
An Act to Define Bank Holding Companies, Control Their Future Expansion, and Require Divestment of Their Nonbanking Interests. |
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S 7.5:85-2/699
An Act to Make Equity Capital and Long-Term Credit More Readily Available for Small-Business Concerns, and for Credit Purposes. |
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S 7.5:86-1/230
An Act to Amend the National Banking Laws to Clarify or Eliminate Ambiguities, to Repeal Certain Laws Which Have Become Obsolete, and for Other Purposes. |
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Colorado's constitutional provisions regarding bingo-raffles |
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S 7.6:
Statutes of the United States of America passed at the ... session of the ... Congress. |
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S 7.6:72/2-1
Session Laws, Statutes of the United States of America, Passed at the Second Session of the Seventy-Second Congress, 1932-1933 and Concurrent Resolutions, Recent Treaties, Executive Proclamations, and Agreements, Proposed Amendment to the Constitution, Part 1 : Public Laws. |
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