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Scientific cooperation clean energy research and development center : agreement between the United States of America and India, signed at New Delhi, November 4, 2010. |
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Scientific cooperation monsoon rainfall : Agreement between the United States of America and India Signed at Washington and New Delhi, November 3 and 6, 2010, with Annexes. |
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S 9.10:10-1108
Biological weapons Memorandum of Understanding between the United States of America and Indonesia Signed at Jakarta, November 8, 2010. |
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S 9.10:10-1112
Double taxation taxes on income : protocol between the United States of America and New Zealand amending the convention of July 23, 1982, signed at Washington, December 1, 2008. |
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Scientific cooperation Agreement between the United States of America and France Signed at Paris, October 22, 2008, with Annexes. |
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Civil aviation transport services : agreement between the United States of America and Japan relating to and amending the agreement of August 11, 1952, as amended, effected by exchange of notes at Tokyo, November 13, 2010. |
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S 9.10:10-1123
Double taxation taxes on income : convention between the United States of America and Malta signed at Valletta, August 8, 2008, with exchange of notes. |
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S 9.10:10-1130
Scientific cooperation agreement between the United States of America and Israel signed at Jerusalem, May 29, 2008, with annex. |
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S 9.10:10-1210
Scientific cooperation earth sciences : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Vietnam; signed at Hanoi, December 10, 2010. |
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Space cooperation Agreement between the United States of America and Germany Signed at Washington and Bonn, December 8 and 13, 2010. |
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S 9.10:10-1214
Taxation reimbursement : agreement between the United States of America and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization signed at Paris, December 14, 2010, with annex. |
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S 9.10:10-1220
Boundary waters Minute No. 318 of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States of America and Mexico, signed at El Paso, December 17, 2010. |
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Fisheries Pacific salmon : agreementbetween the United States of America and Canada amending annex IV of the treaty of January 28, 1985, as amended, effected by exchange of notes at Washington, December 21, 2010. |
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Atomic energy peaceful uses : agreement between the United States of America and Australia signed at New York, May 4, 2010, with agreed minute. |
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S 9.10:10-1223
Scientific cooperation earth sciences : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Iraq signed at Baghdad and Reston, November 14 and December 23, 2010, with annexes. |
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S 9.10:11-110
Space cooperation Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph Mission : arrangement between the United States of America and Norway, signed at Washington and Oslo, December 14, 2010 and January 10, 2011. |
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S 9.10:11-111
Atomic energy peaceful uses : agreement between the United States of America and the Russian Federation signed at Moscow, May 6, 2008. |
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Weapons proliferation : agreement between the United States of America and Armenia, signed at Washington and Yerevan, September 3 and 6, 2010. |
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Scientific cooperation energy sciences : protocol between the United States of America and China, signed at Washington, January 18, 2011. |
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Defense security of information : agreement between the United States of America and Japan, effected by exchange of notes at Tokyo, January 18, 2011. |
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