S 9.10:11305
Postal, express mail service : agreement, with detailed regulations, between the United States of America and the Netherlands Antilles, signed at Willemstad and Washington, June 10 and 22, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11306
Postal, express mail service : agreement, with detailed regulations, between the United States of America and Hungary, signed at Budapest and Washington, June 24 and July 10, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11307
Postal INTELPOST field trial : memorandum of understanding, with details of implementation, between the United States of America and Singapore, signed at Singapore and Washington November 26, 1986 and February 5, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11308
Postal, express mail service : agreement, with detailed regulations, between the United States of America and Jordan, signed at Amman and Washington, December 31, 1986 and January 30, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11309
Saint Lawrence Seaway : tariff of tolls, agreements between the United States of America and Canada amending and supplementing the agreement of March 9, 1959, as amended and supplemented, effected by exchange notes signed at Washington, May 3, 1985, and exchange of notes signed at Washington, April 9 and 11, 1986. |
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S 9.10:11310
Aviation, transport services : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Singapore, amending the agreement of March 31, 1978, as amended, signed at Singapore September 30, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11311
Aviation, transport services : agreement between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, amending the agreement of July 23, 1977, as amended, effected by exchange of notes, dated at Washington October 4 and 7, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11312
Aviation, transport services : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, amending the agreement of June 23, 1977, as amended, signed at London November 2, 1984, with related letter and amending agreement, effected by exchange of notes, dated at Washington November 21, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11313
Aviation : memorandum of agreement between the United States of America and Ecuador, signed at Washington and Quito October 9 and November 6, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11314
Atomic energy : technical exchange in regulatory matters, agreement between the United States of America and Japan extending the arrangement of September 12 and 29, 1980, effected by exchange of letters signed at Washington and Tokyo, September 25 and 26, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11315
Postal, express mail service : agreement, with detailed regulations, between the United States of America and Pakistan, signed at Islamabad and Washington, March 11 and 30, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11316
Boundary waters : sanitation problems : minute no. 274 of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States of America and Mexico, signed at Ciudad Juarez April 15, 1987, with joint report. |
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S 9.10:11317
Defense, NOMAD aircraft : memorandum of arrangement between the United States of America and Australia, signed at Washington April 2, 1987, with attachment. |
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S 9.10:11318
Taxation, air transport : agreement between the United States of America and Singapore, signed at Singapore September 30, 1985, with related letters. |
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S 9.10:11319
Aviation, transport services : agreement between the United States of America and the Socialist Republic of Romania, extending the agreement of December 4, 1973, as amended and extended, effected by exchange of notes, dated at Bucharest December 16, 1986 and January 30, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11320
Aviation, airworthiness : agreement between the United States of America and Indonesia, effected by exchange of notes signed at Jakarta January 23, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11321
Defense, personnel exchange : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Canada, signed at Washington November 4, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11322
Trade, export subsidies : agreement between the United States of America and Turkey, effected by exchange of letters, signed at Washington February 25, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11323
Scientific cooperation : balloon launching and associated services : agreement between the United States of America and Australia, effected by exchange of notes, dated at Canberra January 24 and July 24, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11324
Weather stations : agreement between the United States of America and Jamaica, effected by exchange of notes, signed at Kingston August 27 and 29, 1985, with memorandum of arrangement. |
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