S 9.10:11935
Establishment of the Commission for the Study of Alternatives to the Panama Canal : agreement between the United States of America and Panama, effected by exchange of notes, signed at New York September 26, 1985 with annex and related notes. |
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S 9.10:11936
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles : amendment to the Convention of June 4, 1954, done at New York July 2, 1984. |
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S 9.10:11937
Weather stations : agreement between the United States of America and Mexico extending the agreement of July 31, 1970, as amended and extended, effected by exchange of notes, signed at Tlatelolco and Mexico March 13 and 29, 1985, and exchange of notes, signed at Tlatelolco and Mexico September 13 and October 4, 1985, and exchange of notes, signed at Mexico March 26 and April 3, 1986. |
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S 9.10:11938
Space cooperation : First Material Processing Test (FMPT) on Spacelab : agreement between the United States of America and Japan, effected by exchange of notes, signed at Washington March 29, 1985 with memorandum of understanding. |
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S 9.10:11939
Aviation, transport services : agreement between the United States of America and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, extending the memorandums of understanding of March 17 and May 19, 1982, as amended and extended, effected by exchange of notes, dated at Belgrade March 23 and 30, 1984 and amending and extending agreement by exchange of notes, dated at Belgrade March 20 and April 9, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11940
Postal, express mail service : agreement, with detailed regulations, between the United States of America and Cote D'Ivoire, signed at Abidjan and Washington, May 5 and 27, 1987. |
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S 9.10:11941
Maritime matters : agreement between the United States of America and Ukraine, signed at Washington December 3, 1992. |
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S 9.10:11942
Aviation, transport services : agreement between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany, amending the agreement of July 7, 1955, as amended, signed at Bonn April 25, 1989. |
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S 9.10:11943
Air transport services : memorandum of consultations between the United States of America and Switzerland, signed at Berne November 16, 1983. |
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S 9.10:11944
Aviation, transport services : agreement between the United States of America and Switzerland, signed at Davos March 13, 1984 and extending memorandum of understanding, signed at Bern March 28, 1985. |
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S 9.10:11945
Aviation, transport services : interim agreement between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany, effected by exchange of notes, amending agreement by exchange of notes, signed at Bonn April 27, 1993. |
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S 9.10:11946
Aviation, transport services : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Spain, signed at Madrid November 27, 1991. |
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S 9.10:11947
Taxation, reimbursement : agreement between the United States of America and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, signed at Brussels July 18, 1990. |
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S 9.10:11948
Intellectual property : record of understanding between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea, signed at Washington August 28, 1986, with related letter. |
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S 9.10:11949
Scientific and technical cooperation : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Jordan, signed at Washington and Amman, November 13 and December 10, 1990 with annexes. |
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S 9.10:11950
Aviation, transport services : agreements between the United States of America and Mexico, signed at Washington November 21, 1991, and exchange of notes, signed at Washington November 21, 1991. |
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S 9.10:11951
Whaling, amendments to the schedule to the International Whaling Convention of 1946 : adopted at the Thirty-ninth, Fortieth, Forty-first, Forty-second, Forty-third and Forty-fourth meetings of the International Whaling Commission, Bournemouth, June 22-26, 1987, Auckland, May 30-June 3, 1988, San Diego, June 12-16, 1989, Noordwijk, July 2-6, 1990, Reykjavik, May 27-31, 1991, Glasgow, June 29-July 2, 1992. |
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S 9.10:11952
Aviation, transport services : agreement between the United States of America and the Hungarian People's Republic, extending the agreement of May 30, 1972, as amended and extended, effected by exchange of notes, dated at Budapest January 30, and February 11, 1986. |
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S 9.10:11953
Postal, express mail service : agreement, with detailed regulations, between the United States of America and Saint Lucia, signed at Castries and Washington, August 11 and September 14, 1989. |
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S 9.10:11954
Postal, express mail service : agreement, with detailed regulations, between the United States of America and Ethiopia, signed at Washington and Addis Ababa August 3 and September 1, 1989. |
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