S 9.10:12677
Employment, agreement between the United States of America and the Slovak Republic, effected by exchange of notes, dated at Bratislava April 8, 1994, February 17 and July 12, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12678
Environmental cooperation, GLOBE program : agreement between the United States of America and Tunisia, signed at Washington July 27, 1995 with appendices. |
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S 9.10:12679
Intellectual property : agreement between the United States of America and Ecuador, signed at Washington October 15, 1993 and amending agreement, signed at Quito July 28, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12680
Defense, assistance : agreement between the United States of America and the United Nations, effected by exchange of notes, signed at New York July 28, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12681
Education, agreement between the United States of America and Malaysia, signed at Kuala Lumpur August 3, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12682
Defense cooperation E-3 aircraft : memorandum of agreement between the United States of America and NATO AEW&C Programme Management Organization, signed at Hanscom AFB and Washington August 3 and 11, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12683
Scientific cooperation, earth sciences : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Namibia, signed at Reston and Windhoek July 27 and August 23, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12684
Environmental cooperation, GLOBE program : agreement between the United States of America and Sweden, signed at Stockholm August 23, 1995 with appendices. |
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S 9.10:12685
Atomic energy : peaceful uses of nuclear energy : agreement between the United States of America and South Africa, signed at Pretoria August 25, 1995 with annex and agreed minute. |
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S 9.10:12686
Environmental cooperation, GLOBE program : agreement between the United States of America and Japan, effected by exchange of notes, signed at Washington August 29, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12687
Defense, gas turbine engine : agreement between the United States of America and France, signed at Washington and Paris, June 13 and August 30, 1995 with annexes. |
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S 9.10:12688
Narcotic drugs : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Panama, signed at Washington September 6, 1995 with general provisions. |
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S 9.10:12689
Fisheries, mediation : agreement between the United States of America and Canada, signed at Montreal September 11, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12690
Satellites, search and rescue : memorandum of agreement between the United States of America and other governments, done at Washington September 11, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12691
Aviation, safety : agreement the United States of America and the Netherlands, signed at the Hague September 13, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12692
Defense, EURO-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) Program : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and other governments, signed at Brussels, Ottawa, Copenhagen, Bonn, Ankara, The Hague, Oslo, London, Athens, Rome Lisbon, Madrid and Washington March 17, 29 and 30, April 27, June 16 and 30, July 27 and September 19, 1995. |
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S 9.10:12693
Defense : agreement between the United States of America and Japan, signed at New York September 27, 1995 with agreed minutes and exchange of notes. |
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S 9.10:12694
Defense : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and other governments, signed at Casteau September 25, 26, 29 and October 2, 1995 with annexes. |
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S 9.10:12695
Defense : memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and other governments, signed at Casteau September 27 and October 2, 1995 with annexes. |
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S 9.10:12696
Social Security : supplementary agreement, between the United States of America and Austria, amending the agreement of July 13, 1990, signed at Vienna October 5, 1995. |
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