Call Number (LC) Title Results
S.rp.109-18 Albuquerque Biological Park Title Clarification Act 1
S.rp.109-19 Rocky Mountain National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-20 Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Trust Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-21 Wind Cave National Park Boundary Revision Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-22 Upper Connecticut River Partnership Act 1
S.rp.109-23 Redwood National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-24 Buffalo Soldiers Commemoration Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-25 Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Boundary Adjustment Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-26 National Heritage Partnership Act 1
S.rp.109-27 Kendrick Project, Wyoming 1
S.rp.109-28 Wild Sky Wilderness Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-29 Extension of Time for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project 1
S.rp.109-30 Wallowa Lake Dam Rehabilitation and Water Management Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-31 Fish Passage and Screening Facilities at Non-Federal Water Projects 1
S.rp.109-32 Extension of Time for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Hydroelectric Project 1
S.rp.109-33 Hawaii Water Resources Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-34 Caribbean National Forest Act of 2005 1
S.rp.109-35 Foreign Affairs Authorization Act, FY2006 and FY2007 1
S.rp.109-36 Paleontological Resources Preservation Act 1
S.rp.109-37 Big Horn Bentonite Act 1