Call Number (LC) Title Results
S21 .A814 Agricultural cooperation : a selected and annotated reading list, with special reference to purchasing, marketing and credit. Including only works printed in English, and exclusive of periodical references except reprints and proceedings of associations /
Demonstration courses in wood utilization. /
A handbook for better feeding of livestock /
Directory of field activities of the Bureau of Plant Industry. : Issued December 1924.
Forest fires in the Intermountain region /
Time-tables for home canning of fruits and vegetables. /
Directions for examining all canned food before use.
The cow tester's handbook /
A forest fire prevention handbook for the school children of California. /
Crop and live-stock estimates, 1910-1922. : a summary of area, average yield, production, and exports (or imports) of crops and live stock for the United States. /
Demonstration courses in kiln drying, boxing and crating, gluing of wood, wood properties and uses /
The naval stores act and regulations for its enforcement : an act establishing standard grades of naval stores, preventing deception in transactions in naval stores, regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes.
Notice of establishment and promulgation of a standard for FF rosin /
Amendment to regulations for the enforcement of the Naval Stores Act /
Grain futures act, 1922. : General rules and regulations of the secretary of agriculture with respect to contract markets. Issued June 22, 1923 /
Motion pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture.
Posters prepared by school children in milk-for-health campaigns /
Tables for converting crude protein and ash content to a uniform moisture base. /
Importation and inspection of tea.
Notice of establishment and promulgation of a standard for sulphate wood turpentine /
The agricultural outlook for 1924 /
Importance of forestry and the national forests. : Information for social and civic organizations in the Southwest. /
Crop report regulations : regulations governing the publication of reports and the information utilized in the compilation of reports prepared by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics concerning acreages, conditions, yields, farm reserves, or quality of products of the soil grown within the United States : ... effective on and after January 1, 1924.
S21 .A815 Horse barn : 10 stall.
Marketing costs and margins for fresh milk.
S21 .A815ax Five-year plan for the food and agricultural sciences. 1
S21 .A8167 Compilation of statutes relating to soil conservation, marketing quotas and allotments, soil bank, comodity credit corporation, price support, export and surplus removal, crop insurance, sugar payments and quotas, marketing agreements and orders, and related statutes as of January 1, 1961 / 1
S21 .A82 The effect of different colloidal soil materials on the efficiency of superphosphate /
The Southwestern corn borer /
Effect on subsequent yields of storing cut seed potatoes at different temperatures and humidities /
A study of claypan soils /
Comparison of grain rations for beef calves before and after weaning /
Effects of stress conditions on the cotton plant in Arizona /
The use of winter legumes in the Southeastern states /
Life history of the angoumois grain moth in Maryland /
The parasites of the sugarcane borer in Argentina and Peru, and their introduction into the United States /
Studies of fluorine compounds for controlling the codling moth /
Pima Egyptian cotton in irrigated rotations at the Yuma Field Station, Bard, Calif. /
Inheritance of stem-rust reaction and correlation of characters in Pentad, Nodak, and Akrona durum-wheat crosses /
Microbiological studies of salt in relation to the reddening of salted hides /
Habits, life history, and control of the Mexican bean beetle in New Mexico /
Effectiveness of the swine sanitation system in the South /
Pollination and blooming habits of the Persian walnut in California /
Curly-top resistance in sugar beets and tests of the resistant variety U.S. No. 1 /
Sudan grass as hay, silage, and pasture for dairy cattle /
Bacterial wilt of corn /
The Hessian fly in the Pacific Northwest /
A study of the oil burner as applied to domestic heating /
Agricultural investigations at the Huntley (Mont.) Field Station, 1927-1930 /
Further investigations of the parasites of Popillia japonica in the Far East /
Bruising and freezing of apples in storage and transit /
The decomposition of hydrolytic peat products including ammoniated peat /
Feeding value for milk production of pasture grasses when grazed, when fed green and when fed as hay or silage /
Character and behavior of organic soil colloids /
Utilization and cost of power on corn belt farms /
Commercial possibilities of Japanese mint in the United States as a source of natural menthol /
Observations on the thermal death points of Anastrepha ludens (Loew) /
Subfreezing temperatures lethal to the European corn borer infesting green ears of sweet corn /
S21 .A825 no. 22 Proceedings of a convention of agriculturists, held in the Department of Agriculture, January 10th to 18th. 1
S21 .A856 no.74 Planning that pays : achievements of farm families who are teaming up with the Farmers Home Administration. 1
S21 .A856 no. 431 Anthrax in livestock : how to fight it. 1
S21 .A856 no. 501 Soil conservation is easy if you do it with a plan : one step at a time. 1
S21 .A856 no. 602 From school to work : Federal services to help communities plan with youth. 1
S21 .A856 no.679 Forest patterns : beauty and use / 1
S21 .A856 no. 681 Training home economics program assistants to work with low income families / 1
S21 .A856 no. 683 You too can get help. 1
S21 .A856 no.727 Use chemicals safely in the production of beef cattle, swine, sheep. 1
S21 .A856 no. 761 Watch for new plant pests : the pine lappet. 1
S21 .A856 no. 781 Department of Agriculture's role in resource conservation. 1
S21 .A856 no. 785 Opportunity in rural America : a story in pictures and words. 1
S21 .A856 no. 814 Zoning : an aid to community resource development / 1
S21 .A856 no. 874 The sweetpotato weevil. 1
S21 .A856 no. 894 Planning for rural industry / 1