Revised list of claims filed with Department of State, growing out of acts committed by several vessels, which have given rise to claims generically known as Alabama claims |
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Correspondence concerning claims against Great Britain, Vol. VI |
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Correspondence concerning claims against Great Britain, Vol. VII |
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Counter case of U.S. presented to tribunal of arbitration at Geneva under provisions of Treaty of Washington, with appendix containing additional documents, correspondence and evidence Part II, Apr. 15, 1872. |
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Reclamations de l'Alabama Contre-memoire des Etats-Unis, presente au tribunal d'arbitrage a Geneve, conformement aux dispositions du Traite de Washington, 15 Avril 1872. |
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Alphabetical list of documents and correspondence submitted with cases and counter cases of U.S. and of GreatBritain to tribunal of arbitration at Geneva |
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Indirect claims, chapter in argument for U.S. submitted to tribunal of arbitration at Geneva, June 15, 1872; printed with note |
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Reclamations de l'Alabama: Choix de pieces justificatives presentees par les Etats-Unis a l'appui de leur memoire, traduites de l'anglais de la collection originale, premiere partie Choix de pieces des v. I, II, III, IV, V et VI, Droits des belligerents; Observance de la neutralite; Les croiseurs confederes; Les lois de neutralite; Debats du Parlement sur le conflit americain; La convention Johnson-Clarendon; Partialite de la Grande-Bretagne; etc., etc. |
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Reclamations de l'Alabama: Choix de pieces justificatives presentees par les Etats-Unis a l'appui de leur memoire, traduites de l'anglais de la collection originale, deuxieme partie Pieces du v. VI (p. 187 a 645), et choix de celles du v. VII, Les croiseurs insurges; Le "Foreign Enlistment Act" anglais; Histoire des lois de neutralite des Etats-Unis; La Grande-Bretagne, arsenal, chantier et tresorerie des insurges. |
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Les reclamations indirectes, chapitre extrait du plaidoyer des Etats-Unis, presente le 15 Juin 1872 au Tribunal d'Arbitrage de Geneve; augmente d'un appendice |
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Oral argument before arbitrators, Sir Henry Strong, Chief Justice of Canada, Hon. Don M. Dickinson, of Michigan, and Dr.Rosa Pacas, of Salvador, Tuesday, Apr. 15, 1902 U.S. vs. Republic of Salvador. |
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U.S. vs. Salvador Memorials of Salvador Commercial Co. filed in Department of State. |
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Reply to argument of Nicaragua on question of validity or nullity of treaty of limits of Apr. 15, 1858, to be decided by President of U.S.A., as arbitrator, filed on behalf of government of Costa Rica by Pedro Perez Zeledon, its envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary in U.S. |
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Joint report of U.S. and British commissioners on Alaskan-Canadian boundary, Dec. 31, 1895 |
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Transcript of record of proceedings before Mexican and American Mixed Claims Commission with relation to Pious Fund ofthe Californias, being claim no. 493, American docket, and entitled Thaddeus Amat, Bishop of Monterey, Joseph S. Alemany, Archbishopof San Francisco, vs. Mexico. |
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North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Argument of U.S. before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague under provisions of special agreement between U.S.A. and Great Britain concluded Jan. 27, 1909. |
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North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Case of U.S. before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague under provisions of special agreement between U.S.A. and Great Britain, concluded Jan. 27, 1909. |
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North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Appendix to case of U.S. before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague under provisions of special agreement between U.S.A. and Great Britain, concluded Jan. 27, 1909, Vol. I. |
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North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Appendix to case of U.S. before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague under provisions of special agreement between U.S.A. and Great Britain, concluded Jan. 27, 1909, Vol. II. |
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North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Counter case of U.S. before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague under provisions of special agreement between U.S.A. and Great Britain, concluded Jan. 27, 1909. |
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