Call Number (LC) Title Results
S/1995/256 Letter dated 95/04/05 from the Secretary-General to the President of the General Assembly and to the President of the Security Council. 1
S/ 2006/997 2007 Best practices and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of United Nations sanctions : based on the report of the Security Council Informal Working Group on General Issues of Sanctions (2006) 1
S2413 2005 The reverse side of life / 1
S3085.G4 E84 The ethnic quilt population diversity in Southern California / 1
Your match would be here.
S6007.C54 A44 1992eb Climate change and agriculture : analysis of potential international impacts : proceedings of a symposium / 1
S7000.C362 Sanctions in the CalWORKS program /
Sanctions in the CalWORKs program /
s7403 The 32 harpsichord sonatas 1
S7734.A2 S82 1670 An answer to the seditious and scandalous pamphlet entituled The tryal of W. Penn and W. Mead, at the sessions held at the Old Baily, London, the 1, 3, 4, 5, of Sept., 1670. contained in four sections. Sect. I. The design of the libellous pamphlet discovered. II. The scandals against the then Lord Mayor, Sir Thomas Bludworth, and Sir John Hovel, recorder, answered. III. The justice and honour of that court vindicated, by a true and impartial relation of that whole tryal. IV. The fining [sic] of that jury that gave two contrary verdicts justified, to prevent a failer of justice in London. / 1
S8531.R3 Z5 1974eb  
S/12294/Rev.1 Report of the Security Council Special Mission to the People's Republic of Benin established under Resolution 404 (1977) 1
S/25500 From madness to hope : the 12-year war in El Salvador / 1
S/25500/Span. 1993 De la locura a la esperanza : la guerra de 12 años en El Salvador : informe de la Comisión de la Verdad para El Salvador. 1
S/25811/Add.1 1993 Demarcation of the international boundary between the Republic of Iraq and the State of Kuwait / 1
[SB93 .B ] Garden making : suggestions for the utilizing of home grounds / 1
S.doc.109-4 Semiannual Report of the Architect of the Capitol, For the Period Oct. 1, 2004 Through Mar. 31, 2005 1
S.doc.109-5 U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, 138th Anniversary, 1867-2005 1
S.doc.109-6 J. James Exon, Late a Senator from Nebraska 1
S.doc.109-7 William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the U.S., Memorial Tributes in the Congress of the U.S 1
S.doc.109-8 Authority and Rules of Senate Committees, 2005-2006 1
S.doc.109-9/1 Report of the Secretary of the Senate, From Apr. 1, 2005 to Sept. 30, 2005, Part I 1