Call Number (LC) Title Results
S455 .B36 2014 Anglo-Saxon farms and farming / 1
S455 .B73 2021 The Real Agricultural Revolution : the Transformation of English Farming, 1939-1985 / 1
S455 .C26 2000eb English seigniorial agriculture, 1250-1450 / 1
S455 .C3 2011 English Agriculture in 1850-51 / 1
S455 .C43 1966a The agricultural revolution, 1750-1880 / 1
S455 .C58 2017eb Bittersweet Brexit : the future of food, farming, land and labour / 1
S455 .C87 A short history of English agriculture / 1
S455 .E36 Agricultural resources : an introduction to the farming industry of the United Kingdom / 1
S455 .E7 1912 English farming, past and present / 2
S455 .E7 1927 English farming, past and present / 1
S455 .E7 1962 English farming, past and present. 1
S455 .E76 2013eb English farming, past and present / 1
S455 .F27 2016 Farmers, consumers, innovators : the world of Joan Thirsk / 1
S455 .F37 2016 The farmer in England, 1650-1980 / 1
S455 .G754 2013 Cultivating victory : the Women's Land Army and the Victory Garden movement / 1
S455 .G78 1989 English agriculture : an historical perspective / 1
S455 .H32 A history of farm buildings in England and Wales. 1
S455 .H4 1984 The old farm / 1
S455 (INTERNET) The English improver improved, or, The svrvey of hvsbandry svrveyed discovering the improueableness of all lands some to be under a double and treble, others under a five or six fould, and many under a tenn fould, yea, some under a twenty fould improvement / 1
S455 .J44 2019 Agriculture and the land : Richard Jefferies' essays and letters / 1