Call Number (LC) Title Results
S494.5.E8 S86 1990 Supplement for Asia and the Pacific / 1
S494.5.E8 S93 1989 Supplement for Europe : programme for the 1990 world census of agriculture. 1
S494.5.E8 S95 1990 Supplement for Near East / 1
S494.5.E8 U55 1974 Preparing crop and livestock estimates / 1
S494.5 -- F36 2013eb FAO Statistical Yearbook 2013 - World Food and Agriculture. 1
S494.5.G44 Food, genetic engineering and philosophy of technology : magic bullets, technological fixes and responsibility to the future / 1
S494.5.G44E54 2002 Engineering the Farm : the Social and Ethical Aspects of Agricultural Biotechnology. 1
S494.5.G44 -- N38 1985eb New Directions for Biosciences Research in Agriculture : High-Reward Opportunities. 1
S494.5.G46 K75 2015 Agricultural prairies : natural resources and crop productivity / 2
S494.5.G46 K75 2015eb  
S494.5.G46 P76 1986 Progress in agricultural geography / 1
S494.5.G46 .P76 2013eb Progress in agricultural geography / 1
S494.5.G46 .R63 2013eb Geographies of agriculture : globalisation, restructuring, and sustainability / 1
S494.5.G46 R63 2014 Geographies of Agriculture : Globalisation, Restructuring and Sustainability. 1
S494.5 .H5 Roots in the soil : an introduction to philosophy of agriculture / 1
S494.5.I47 What's cooking : digital transformation of the agrifood system /
Service innovation in agricultural business : exploring the influence of digital information technologies /
Geoinformatics : an emerging approach for sustainable crop production and food security /
S494.5.I47 D56 The Directory for small-scale agriculture / 1
S494.5.I47 E54 2021 A lean start-up at Intuit : what hypothesis to test? / 1
S494.5.I47 F37 1994 Farm and community information use for agricultural programmes and policies / 1
S494.5.I47 I32 2017eb ICT in agriculture : connecting smallholders to knowledge, networks, and institutions : e-sourcebook. 2