Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
S509 .B52 1670 |
The epitome of the art of husbandry comprising all necessary directions for the improvement of it ... to which is annexed by way of appendix a new method of planting fruit trees and improving of an orchard : with directions for taking, ordering, teaching and curing of singing birds and other useful additions / The epitome of the art of husbandry comprizing all necessary directions for the improvement of it, viz. : plowing, sowing, grafting, gardening, ordering of flowers, herbs, directions for the use of the angle, ordering of bees, together with the gentlemans heroick exercise, discoursing of horses, their nature and use, with their diseases and remedies, of oxen, cows, calves, sheep, hogs, with the manner of ordering them, their diseases and remedies : of the nature of marle, the best way of planting clover-grass, hops, saffron, liquorish, hemp, etc. : to which is annexed by way of appendix a new method of planting fruit trees and improving of an orchard, with several other new editions / The epitome of the art of husbandry comprizing all necessary directions for the improvement of it, viz. : plowing, sowing, grafting, gardening, ordering of flowers, herbs, directions for the use of the angle, ordering of bees, together with the gentlemans heroick exercise, discoursing of horses, their nature and use, with their diseases and remedies, of oxen, cows, calves, sheep, hogs, with the manner of ordering them, their diseases and remedies : of the nature of marle, the best way of planting clover-grass, hops, saffron, liquorish, hemp, etc. : to which is annexed by way of appendix a new method of planting fruit trees and improving of an orchard, with several other new editions / |
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S509 .B6 | The English improver improved; or, The survey of husbandry surveyed : discovering the improveableness of all lands ... / | 1 |
S509 .F57 | [Here begynneth a newe tracte or treatyse moost profytable for all husbande men] | 1 |
S509 .F57 1533 | The boke of husbandry | 1 |
S509 .F57 1552 | The boke of husbandrye verye profytable & necessarye for al maner of persons | 1 |
S509 .F57 1573 | The booke of husbandry very profitable and necessarye for all maner of persons / | 1 |
Boke of husbandry Here begynneth a ryght frutefull mater: and hath to name the boke of surueyinge and improume[n]tes Markhams farwell to husbandry, or, The inriching of all sorts of barren and sterill grounds in our kingdome, to be as fruitfull in all manner of graine, pulse, and grasse as the best grounds whatsoeuer together with the anoyances, and preseruation of all graine and seede, from one yeare to many yeares. As also a husbandly computation of men and cattels dayly labours, their expences, charges, and vttermost profits ... and published for the good of the whole kingdome. The inrichment of the vveald of Kent, or, A direction to the husbandman, for the true ordering, manuring, and inriching of all the grounds within the wealds of Kent and Sussex and may generally serue for all the grounds in England, of that nature: as ... / Foure bookes of husbandry, collected by M. Conradus Heresbachius, counseller to the hygh and mighty prince, the Duke of Cleue conteyning the whole arte and trade of husbandry, vvith the antiquitie, and commendation thereof. / |
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S509 .K36 2014eb | The gentleman farmer : being an attempt to improve agriculture by subjecting it to the test of rational principles / | 1 |
S509 .L3 | A new system of agriculture : being a complete body of husbandry and gardening ... / | 1 |
S509 .M34 1648 | Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the generall cure of their diseases. : Containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases of all manner of cattell as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies. Shewing further, the whole art of riding great horses, with the breaking, and ordering of them, and the dieting of the running, hunting, and ambling horse, and the manner how to use them in their travaile. Also approoved rules for the cramming, and fatting of all sorts of poultry, and fowles, both tame and wild, &c. And diverse good and well approved medicines, for the cure of all the diseases in hawkes of what kind soever. Together with the use and profit of bees, the making of fishponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. | 1 |
S509 .M37 1625 |
A way to get vvealth, by approued rules of practice in good husbandry and huswifrie. Containing the foure principall offices which support and maintaine a familie. As I. The husbanding and inriching of all sorts of grounds ..., II. The ordering and curing, with the natures, breeding, choice, vse, and feeding of all sorts of cattell and fowle ..., III. The office of the English housewife in physicke, surgerie, extraction of oyles ..., IIII. The office of planting and grafting, and the inriching of grounds for that purpose ... / A way to get vvealth, by approued rules of practice in good husbandry and huswifrie containing the foure principall offices which support and maintaine a familie as first, the husbanding and inriching of all sorts of grounds ..., secondly, the ordering and curing, with the natures, breeding, choice, vse, and feeding of all sorts of cattell and fowle ..., thirdly, the office of the English housewife in physicke, surgerie, extraction of oyles ..., fourthly, the office of planting and grafting, and the inriching of grounds for that purpose ... / |
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S509 .M37 1633 | A way to get vvealth containing six principal vocations or callings, in which euery good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselues, as I. The natures ordering, curing, breeding, choise use, and feeding of all sorts of cattle and fowle ..., II. The knowledge, vse, and laudable practise of all the recreations meet for a gentleman, III. The office of housewife, in physicke, surgery, extraction of oyles ..., IV. The enrichment of the weald in Kent, V. The husbanding, and enriching of all sorts of barraine grounds ..., VI. The making of orchards, planting, and grafting ... / | 1 |
S509 .M37 1648 | A way to get wealth containing five principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband, or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves ... / | 2 |
S509 .M37 1657 | A way to get wealth containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or huswife may lawfully employ themselves ... / | 2 |
S509 .M37 1660 |
A way to get vvealth containing sixe principall vocations for callings in which every good husband or hu-wife may lawfully imploy themselves ... / A vvay to get vvealth, containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves. : As 1. The natures, ordering, curing, breeding, choice, use, and feeding of all sorts of cattel and fowl ... 2. The knowledge, use, and laudable practice of all the recreations meet for a gentleman. 3. The office of a house-wife, in physick, chyrurgery, extraction of oyles ... 4. The enrichment of the weald in Kent. 5. The husbanding and enriching of all sorts of barren grounds ... 6. The making of orchards, planting, and graffing ... / |
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S509 .M37 1668 | A way to get wealth containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves ... / | 2 |
S509 .M37 1683 |
A way to get wealth containing six principal vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wive may lawfully employ themselves ... / A way to get wealth containing six principall vocations, or callings, in which every good husband or house-wife may lawfully imploy themselves ... / |
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S509 .M42 |
The mystery of husbandry, or, Arable, pasture and wood-land improved containing the whole art and mystery of agriculture or husbandry, in bettering and improving all degrees of land ... : directions for marling, dunging, mudding, sanding ... : proper times for sowing, chusing good seed, and ploughing ... : how to keep corn and other pulse from being destroyed by birds, vermin, lightening, mildew ... : to which is added The countryman's alamack / The mystery of husbandry, or, Arable, pasture and wood-land improved Containing the whole art and mystery of agriculture or husbandry, in bettering and improving all degrees of land ... : directions for marling, dunging, mudding, sanding ... : proper times for sowing, chusing good seed, and ploughing ... : how to keep corn and other pulse from being destroyed by birds, vermin, lightening, mildew ... : To which is added The countryman's alamack. / |
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S509 .N68 | Campania fœlix, or, A discourse of the benefits and improvements of husbandry containing directions for all manner of tillage, pasturage, and plantation : as also for the making of cyder and perry : with some considerations upon I. Justices of the peace and inferior officers, II. On inns and alehouses, III. On servants and labourers, IV. On the poor : to which are added two essays : I. Of a country-house, II. Of the fuel of London / | 2 |
S509 .S65 | England's improvement reviv'd : in a treatise of all manner of husbandry & trade by land and sea : plainly discovering the several ways of improving all sorts of waste and barren grounds, and enriching all earths ... : together with the manner of planting all sorts of timber-trees ... : also the way of ordering cattel, with several observations about sheep, and choice of cows for the dairy, all sorts of dear, tame conies, variety of fowles, bees, silk-worms, pigeons ... / | 1 |