Call Number (LC) Title Results
S592.16 .I58 2010 Developments in soil classification, land use planning and policy implications innovative thinking of soil inventory for land use planning and management of land resources / 1
S592.16 .K49 1992 Keys to soil taxonomy / 1
S592.16 .L365 1997 Land use planning : it all comes down to soil : building a comprehensive, sustainable community plan with NRCS soils data and other natural resource information. 1
S592.16 .L42 2001 Lecture notes on the major soils of the world / 1
S592.16 .P43 2013 Pedodiversity / 2
S592.16 .S55 1987 Historical aspects of soil survey and soil classification 1
S592.16 .S64 Soil classification / 1
S592.16 .S643 2003eb Soil classification : a global desk reference / 1
S592.16 S65 1985 Soil spatial variability : proceedings of a workshop of the ISSS and the SSSA, Las Vegas, USA, 30 November-1 December 1984 / 1
S592.16 .S66 1984 Soil taxonomy achievements and challenges : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Division S-5 of the Soil Science Society of America in Anaheim, Calif., 28 Nov.-3 Dec. 1982. 1
S592.16 S68 1981 Proceedings of the South Pacific regional forum on soil taxonomy, Suva, Fiji, 2-13 November 1981 / 1
S592.16 .S73 2006 Standard practice for classification of soils for engineering purposes (unified soil classification system) 1
S592.16 .S736 2006 Standard practice for description and identification of soils (visual-manual procedure) 1
S592.16 .U558 2014eb United Arab Emirates keys to soil taxonomy / 1
S592.16 .W67 1993 World soil resources : an explanatory note on the FAO world soil resources map at 1:25,000,000 scale. 1
S592.17.A57 Anthropogenic soils / 1
S592.17.A73 The Biology of Arid Soils. 1
S592.17.A73 B34 1995eb Management of problem soils in arid ecosystems / 1
S592.17.A73 B56 2017 The biology of arid soils / 1
S592.17.A73 O33 1991 Occurrence, characteristics, and genesis of carbonate, gypsum, and silica accumulations in soils /
Occurrence, characteristics, and genesis of carbonate, gypsum, and silica accumulations in soils