Call Number (LC) Title Results
SB211.P8 R43 2009 Potato : a history of the propitious esculent / 1
SB211.P8 R43 2009eb Potato : a history of the propitious esculent / 1
SB211.P8 S255 The history and social influence of the potato / 1
SB211.P8 S255 1985 The history and social influence of the potato / 1
SB211.P8 S87 2012 Sustainable potato production global case studies / 1
SB211.P8 T59 2023eb Potato improvement in the post-genomics era / 1
SB211.P8 W35 2018 Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes. Production and storage, production and sustainability. 1
SB211.P8 Z83 1998 The potato : how the humble spud rescued the western world / 1
SB211 .S9 Nutrition security in Tanzania. 1
SB211.S9 Sweet potato processing technology /
Sweet potato : chemistry, processing and nutrition /
SB211.S9 K8 Sweetpotato storage / 1
SB211.S9 S94 2009 The sweetpotato 1
SB211.Y3 .N845 2016eb Yam in West Africa : Food, Money, and More. 1
SB211.Y33 ebook Yacón : producción, transformación y beneficios / 1
SB215 .A57 Journal of sugar beet research
Proceedings, general meeting - American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists.
Journal of the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists.
SB217 .C5 Le sucre. 1
SB217 .C55 2004 Environmental impacts of sugar production : the cultivation and processing of sugarcane and sugar beet / 1
SB217 .C55 2004eb Environmental Impacts of Sugar Production. 1
SB218.2 The technological value of the sugar beet La valeur technique de la betterave sucrière = Der Technische wert der Zuckerrübe : Proceedings of the XIth Session of the Commission Internationale Technique de Sucrerie, Frankfurt, 1960. 1
SB219 .M39 Beets & meat : a practical manual for fattening cattle and sheep on irrigated farms of the Intermountain area where sugar beet by-products provide one of the principal sources of low-cost fattening feed / 1