Call Number (LC) Title Results
SB295.P63 B35 2020 Phytochemistry of piper betle landraces / 1
SB295.P8 B35 Principal botanic-systematical groups of opium poppy Papaver somniferum = (Osnovnye botaniko-sistematicheskie gruppy op︠i︡inogo maka Papaver somniferum) / 1
SB295.P8 B8 On the races of the opium poppy growing in Semirech'e and the origin of their culture = Semirechenskie rasy opiĭnogo maka i vopros o proiskhozhdeniĭ ego kulʹtury / 1
SB297 .M39 2001 Maximising the use of biological nitrogen fixation in agriculture : report of the FAO/IAEA technical expert meeting held in Rome, 13-15 March 2001 / 1
SB297 .N58 2008eb Nitrogen-fixing actinorhizal symbioses 1
SB297.4.L44 Legume nitrogen fixation in soils with low phosphorus availability : adaptation and regulatory implication / 1
SB297.4.L44 G55 2001eb Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Cropping Systems. 1
SB297.4.L44 L44 2015eb Legume nitrogen fixation in a changing environment : achievements and challenges / 1
SB298 Allele mining for genomic designing of oilseed crops /
Genomic designing for biotic stress resistant oilseed crops
Industrial oil crops /
Genomic designing of climate-smart oilseed crops /
Production and Utilization of Protein in Oilseed Crops Proceedings of a Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on the Improvement of the Production of Plant Proteins organised by the Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchting at Braunschweig, Federal Republic of Germany, 8-10 July 1980 /
Breeding oilseed crops for sustainable production : opportunities and constraints /
Oilseed crops : yield and adaptations under environmental stress /
Biorefinery of oil producing plants for value-added products /
Sb298 Unconventional oilseeds and oil sources / 1
SB298 .A33 2022 Accelerated plant breeding. 1
SB298 .A97 1992 Minor oil crops / 1
SB298 .B37 Z︠︡hyrooliĭni roslyny Ukraïny : dovidnyk / 1
SB298 .G46 2022 Genomic designing for abiotic stress resistant oilseed crops / 1
SB298 .O32 1989 Oil crops of the world : their breeding and utilization / 1
SB298 .O35 2008 Oil crop breeding 1
SB298 .O375 2007 Oilseeds / 1
SB298 .O375 2007eb Oilseeds 1
SB298 .O55 2021 Oil crop genomics / 1
SB298 .R7413 Handbook of selection and seed growing of oil plants / 1