Call Number (LC) Title Results
SB608.S6 I58 Investigations on insect pests of sorghum and millets, 1965-1970; final technical report. 1
SB608.S6 S67 2002eb Sorghum and millets diseases 1
SB608.S6 S67 2019eb Sorghum : a state of the art and future perspetives / 1
SB608.S7 Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Soybeans Volume 2 Diseases, Pests, Food and Other Uses. 1
SB608.S7 K35 2019 The economics of soybean disease control / 1
SB608.S83 S75 1984 1984 Stone Fruit Tree Decline Workshop proceedings : proceedings of a workshop held October 30-November 1, 1984 at the Appalachian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, WV / 1
SB608.S85 P56 Strawberry diseases / 1
SB608.S9 Color illustration of diagnosis and control for modern sugarcane diseases, pests, and weeds / 1
SB608.S9 D57 1989 Diseases of sugarcane major diseases / 1
SB608.S9 E3 A report on the sugar cane mosaic situation in February, 1924, at Soledad, Cuba / 1
SB608.S9 E33 1955 Sugarcane and its diseases / 1
SB608.S9 E4 Sugarcane and its diseases / 1
SB608.S9 P47 1984 The biology and control of weeds in sugarcane 1
SB608.S9 S84 1999 Sugarcane pathology / 1
SB608.S93 N6 Lozhnai︠a︡ muchnistai︠a︡ rosa podsolnechnika taksonomii︠a︡ i biologii︠a︡ vozbuditeli︠a︡, patogenez zabolevanii︠a︡ 1
SB608.S95 N94 1966a Downy mildew of sunflower = (Muchnistaya rosa podsolnechnika : taksonomiya i biologiya vozbuditelya, patogenez zabolevaniya) / N. S. Novotel'nova. 1
SB608.S98 Sweet potato pest management : a global perspective / 1
SB608.S98 G73 1921 Eradication of the sweet-potato weevil in Florida : a report of progress. / 1
SB608.T7 Black shank of tobacco in the former Dutch East Indies, caused by phytophthora nicotianae / 1
SB608.T7 B58 1989 Blue mold of tobacco / 1