Call Number (LC) Title Results
SB91 .P56 1988 Plant science : growth, development, and utilization of cultivated plants / 1
SB91 .P76 2022 Political ecology of industrial crops / 1
SB91 .R49 Plants, agriculture, and human society / 1
SB91 .S34 2002 Contemporary statistical models for the plant and soil sciences 1
SB91 .S56 2022 Bringing skepticism to crop science / 1
SB92 Advances in agronomy. 1
SB93 .H52 1874 Gardening for profit : a guide to the successful cultivation of the market and family garden. 1
SB93 .K4 Rocky Mountain horticulture is different : how to modify our climate to fit the plants, and how to select plants to fit our climate. 1
SB93 .K4 1967 How to have good gardens in the sunshine states / 1
SB93 .M7 Plant production / 1
SB95 .W4 Gardening for the South or, The kitchen and fruit garden: with the best methods for their cultivation, together with hints upon landscape and flower gardening ... / 1
SB97-0.4.U5 U5a Administration of the pesticide programs / 1
SB97 .E53 1634 By the King proclamation for reformation of the many abuses committed against the Corporation of Gardners. 1
SB97 .E94 1666 Kalendarium hortense, or, The gard'ners almanac directing what he is to do monethly throughout the year, and what fruits and flowers are in prime / 1
SB97 .E94 1673 Kalendarium hortense, or, The gard'ners almanac directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year, and what fruits and flowers are in prime / 2
SB97 .E94 1699 Kalendarium hortense, or, The gard'ners almanac directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year, and what fruits and flowers are in prime / 2
SB97 .H54 A most briefe and pleasaunte treatise, teachyng how to dresse, sowe, and set a garden: and what remedies also may be had and vsed agaynst suche beastes, wormes, flies, and suche like, that noye gardens, / 1
SB97 .H57 1579 The profitable art of // gardening : now the third time // set forth : to which is added muche // necessarie matter, and a number of secretes // vvith the Phisicke helps // belonging to eache Hearbe, // and that easily pre- // pared. // To this is annexed tvvo proper treat- // ises, the one entituled, The maruellous // gouernenement, propertie, and be- // nefite of the Bees, with the rare secretes of the ho // nie and waxe. // and the other: the yearely coniectures meete // for husbandmen to know / 1
SB97 (INTERNET) Profitable insructions [sic] for the manuring, sowing, and planting of kitchin gardens Very profitable for the common wealth and greatly for the helpe and comfort of poore people. /
Observations upon some part of Sr Francis Bacon's Naturall history as it concernes fruit-trees, fruits, and flowers especially the fifth, sixth, and seaventh centuries, improving the experiments mentioned, to the best advantage /
Kalendarium hortense, or, The gard'ners almanac directing what he is to do monethly throughout the year, and what fruits and flowers are in prime /
A nevv orchard and garden, or, The best way for planting, grafting, and to make any ground good for a rich orchard particularly in the nor[th] and generally for the whole kingdome of England, as in nature, reason, situation and all probabilitie, may and doth appeare : with the country housewifes garden for hearbes of common vse, their vertues, seasons, profits, ornaments, varietie of knots, models for trees, and plots for the best ordering of grounds and walkes : as also the husbandry of bees, with their seuerall vses and annoyances, being the experience of 48 yeares labour ... /
The compleat gard'ner, or, Directions for cultivating and right ordering of fruit-gardens and kitchen-gardens with divers reflections on several parts of husbandry, in six books : to which is added, his treatise of orange-trees, with the raising of melons, omitted in the French editions /
The gardeners labyrinth containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestovved on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choise of seedes, apte times for sowing, setting, planting, [and] watering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knottes and mazes, cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the physike benefit of eche herbe, plant, and floure, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. /
SB97 .K46 2014eb A treatise upon planting, gardening, and the management of the hot-house / 1