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Impact of tight money and/or recessions on small business |
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Small business during the business cycle |
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Expected costs of startup ventures |
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Small firms and technology acquisitions, inventor movement, and technology transfer / |
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The impact of bank consolidation on small business credit availability |
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Home-based business and government regulation |
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A survey of small businesses' telecommunications use and spending |
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The impact of tax expenditure policies on incorporated small business |
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Small businesses as culprits and clients a comparison of brownfield redevelopment in Los Angeles and Kuala Lumpur / |
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Characteristics of federal government procurement spending with veteran-owned businesses FY 2000 - FY 2003 (3Q) / |
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Trends in electronic procurement and electronic commerce and their impact on small business |
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Costs of developing a foreign market for a small business the market & non-market barriers to exporting by small firms / |
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Entrepreneurship and business ownership in the veteran population |
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Self-employed business ownership rates in the United States 1979-2003 / |
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Evaluating veteran business owner data |
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Development of business data tracking firm counts, growth, and turnover by size of firm / |
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Analysis of type-of-business coding for the top 1,000 contractors receiving small business awards in FY 2002 |
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Firm size dynamics of industries stochastic growth processes, large fluctuations, and the population of firms as a complex system / |
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SBA 1.20/3:248
Using census BITS to explore entrepreneurship, geography, and economic growth |
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SBA 1.20/3:251
Dynamics of minority-owned employer establishments, 1997-2001 |
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