Call Number (LC) Title Results
SF196.B6 H64 2015eb Rainforest cowboys : the rise of ranching and cattle culture in western Amazonia / 1
SF196.B6 W55 2017 Cattle in the Backlands : Mato Grosso and the evolution of ranching in the Brazilian tropics / 1
SF196.B6 W55 2017eb Cattle in the Backlands : Mato Grosso and the evolution of ranching in the Brazilian tropics / 1
SF196.C2 Ontario's Cattle Kingdom Purebred Breeders and Their World, 1870-1920 1
SF196.C2 D47 2001eb Ontario's cattle kingdom : purebred breeders and their world, 1870-1920 / 2
SF196.G7 E5 An extract of the acts against importing Irish cattel, &c. One expired, the other not. 1
SF196.G8 M38 2010eb The cattle of the sun cows and culture in the world of the ancient Greeks /
The cattle of the sun : cows and culture in the world of the ancient Greeks /
SF196.G8 Z457 1934 Die Rinderzucht im alten Griechenland. 1
SF196.I4 BREEDING SERVICES FOR SMALL DAIRY FARMERS : sharing the indian experience. 1
SF196.I4 D36 The cattle economy of India / 1
SF196.I4 S48 A ceremonial ox of India : the mithan in nature, culture, and history, with notes on the domestication of common cattle / 1
SF196.K4 A44 2013 Galana : elephant, game domestication, and cattle on a Kenya ranch / 1
SF196.N7 E95 1995 The ranch : a modern history of the North American cattle industry / 1
SF196.N7 J67 1993 North American cattle-ranching frontiers : origins, diffusion, and differentiation / 1
SF196.S24 A clash of paradigms : response and development in the South Pacific / 1
SF196.S24 M35 2001 A clash of paradigms : intervention, response and development in the South Pacific / 1
SF196.S7 ǂb F365 2014eb Modelos de organización y evolución de paisajes ganaderos de montaña : estudio comparativo de casos (Valle Medio y Alto del río Saja ; sierras de Béjar y Candelario ; Macizo de las Villuercas) / 1
SF196.S7 ǂb F365 2014eb  
SF196.S7 .G643 2014eb Una visión del mundo ganadero montañés / 1
SF196.T6 M8 Probleme der Auftrags-Rinderhaltung durch Fulbe-Hirten (Peul) in Westafrika : Motivationen und Meinungen im Hinblick auf die Entwicklung der bäuerlichen Viehwirtschaft am Beispiel der Ewe und anderer Stämme in Togo / 1