Call Number (LC) Title Results
SF308.5 .M38 2023 Human-horse relations and the ethics of knowing / 1
SF308.5 .X4 1692 Xenophontos. On horsemanship. Horsemasters. Hunting. Accessere veterum testimonia de Xenophonte. 1
SF309 .B17eb Horses, hitches, and rocky trails. 1
SF309 .B2 1877 Libro de la jineta y descendencia de los caballos Guzmanes. : Lo publica, juntamente con otro tratado intitulado: Pintura de un potro. 1
SF309 .B63 Riding : a manual of horsemanship for beginners / 1
SF309 .B76 1628 The arte of riding the great horse also a direct order to make a horse seruiceable for the warres, with the bitt : very necessary for these dangerous times : with the practice of riding the maze and ring. 1
SF309 .B8 Horse-sense and horsemanship of to-day : economy and method in training hunters and polo ponies / 1
SF309 .C213 The world of the horse / 1
SF309 .C213 1975 The world of the horse / 1
SF309 .D63 Patroclus and Penelope : a chat in the saddle / 1
SF309 .G8613 2014 Federico Grisone's The rules of riding : an edited translation of the first Renaissance treatise on classical horsemanship / 1
SF309 .H367 Selected riding articles / 1
SF309 (INTERNET) The complete farriar, or, The kings high-way to horsmanship Experimentally unfolding 1. The dyeting and governing of the running horse. 2. How to order, feed, and keep any horse for war, pleasure, hunting, or travell. 3. How to know the age of any horse. Lastly, certaine rare and approved secrets for the cure of the worst infirmities in horses /
A discource of horsmanshippe Wherein the breeding and ryding of horses for seruice, in a breefe manner is more methodically sette downe then hath been heeretofore. With a more easie and direct course for the ignorant, to attaine to the same arte or knowledge. Also the manner to chuse, trayne, ryde and dyet, both hunting-horses, and running-horses: with all the secretes thereto belonging discouered. An arte neuer heeretofore written by any authour.
Cauelarice, or, The English horseman contayning all the arte of horse-manship, as much as is necessary for any man to vnderstand ... Together, with the discouery of the subtill trade or mistery of horse-coursers, & an explanatio[n] of the excellency of a horses vndersta[n]ding, or how to teach them to doe trickes like Bankes his curtall: and that horses may be made to drawe drie-foot like a hound ... /
SF309 .J35 2000eb The complete idiot's guide to horseback riding / 1
SF309 .K37 1942 Rodeo : the sport of the cow country / 1
SF309 .L46 1939 Riding / 1
SF309 .L52 1974 Common sense horsemanship : a distinct method of riding and schooling horses and of learning to ride / 1
SF309 .M23 Mount and man : a key to better horsemanship / 1
SF309 .M24 1930 Stable and saddle / 1
SF309.M37 1595 How to chuse, ride, traine, and diet, both hunting-horses and running horses. With all the secrets thereto belonging discouered: an arte neuer heere-to-fore written by any author. Also, a discourse of horsemanship, wherein the breeding, and ryding of horses for seruice, in a breefe manner, is more methodically sette downe then hath beene heeretofore: with a more easie and direct course for the ignorant, to attaine to the said arte or knowledge. Together with a newe addition for the cure of horses diseases, of what kinde or nature foeuer. 1