Call Number (LC) Title Results
SF408.45 .N38 1994eb Naturalistic environments in captivity for animal behavior research / 1
SF408.6.E44 Elephants under human care the behaviour, ecology,and welfare of elephants in captivity /
Elephant house /
SF408.6.E44 R68 2021 Elephant trails : a history of animals and cultures / 2
SF408.6.E44 S24 2022 Colonizing animals : interspecies empire in Myanmar / 2
SF408.6.K54 B53 2013 DVD Blackfish 1
SF408.6.P74 K57 1992 Biology, rearing, and care of young primates / 1
SF409.M54 Microlivestock : Little-Known Small Animals with a Promising Economic Future. 1
SF409 .M54 1991 Microlivestock : little-known small animals with a promising economic future / 1
SF409 .W55 2011b Small animals for small farms 1
SF409 .W55 2012 Small animals for small farms / 1
SF411.35 .B45 2006 The Medici giraffe : and other tales of exotic animals and power / 1
SF411.35 .M235 1999 Reigning cats and dogs / 2
SF411.35 .W35 2012eb Medieval pets / 1
SF411.36.F8 R63 2002eb Elephant slaves and pampered parrots exotic animals in eighteenth-century Paris /
Elephant slaves and pampered parrots : exotic animals in eighteenth-century Paris /
SF411.36.G7 Companion Animal Economics : the Economic Impact of Companion Animals in the UK. 1
SF411.36.G7 T34 2015 Animal companions : pets and social change in eighteenth-century Britain / 1
SF411.36.R65 A53 2002 Les animaux familiers dans la Rome antique / 1
SF411.4 .A56 1988 Animals and people sharing the world / 1
SF411.43.E9 W34 2012 Medieval pets / 1
SF411.43.F8 K47 1994 The beast in the boudoir : petkeeping in nineteenth-century Paris / 1