Call Number (LC) Title Results
SF538.5.C65 S77 2015 The strange disappearance of the bees / 2
SF538.5.P65 Pesticide risk assessment for pollinators / 2
SF538.5.V37 European research on varroatosis control / 1
SF539 Bee products : chemical and biological properties / 1
SF541 .A54 Journal of the American Silk Society, and rural economist.
American silk grower and farmer's manual.
SF541 .B87 Burlington silk record. 1
SF542 .G25 2003 Comprehensive sericulture / 1
SF542 (INTERNET) Virgo triumphans, or, Virginia in generall, but the south part therof in particular including the fertile Carolana, and the no lesse excellent island of Roanoak, richly and experimentally valued : humbly presented as the auspice of a beginning yeare, to the Parliament of England, and councell of state /
Virginia's discovery of silke-vvorms, with their benefit and the implanting of mulberry trees : also the dressing and keeping of vines, for the rich trade of making wines there : together with the making of the saw-mill, very usefull in Virginia, for cutting of timber and clapbord, to build with-all, and its conversion to other as profitable uses.
SF542 .P36 1988 Silkworm rearing / 1
SF542 .W26 1989 Silkworm egg production : volume III / 1
SF542.7 Silkworm biofactory : silk to biology /
Methods in silkworm microbiology
SF542.7 .S81 1995 Control over reproduction, sex, and heterosis of the silkworm / 1
SF545 .C67 Silkworms and science : the story of silk / 1
SF545 .H37 1830i Mr. Harper's report to the legislature of the state of New-Hampshire on the culture of silk 1
SF547 .H33 The reformed Virginian silk-worm or, A rare and new discovery of a speedy way, and easie means, found out by a young lady in England, she having made full proof thereof in May, anno 1652. For the feeding of silk-worms in the woods, on the mulberry-tree-leaves in Virginia ... And also to the good hopes, that the Indians, seeing and finding that there is neither art, skill, or pains in the thing: they will readily set upon it, being by the benefit thereof inabled to buy of the English (in way of truck for their silk-bottoms) all those things that they most desire. 1
SF549 .I7 Memoires et instructions pour le plant des meuriers blancs, nourriture des vers a soye : et l'art de filer, mouliner, & aprester les soyes dans Paris & lieux cirvonvoisins : sur l'establissement qui s'y fait des manufactures de soyes, à l'exemple de celuy que le roy Henry IV auoit estably dans la plus grande partie de la France / 1
SF553.C6 F36 1979 China : sericulture : report on a FAO/UNDP Study Tour to the People's Republic of China 6 May to June 1979. 1
SF553 .D17 The art of rearing silk-worms / 1
SF555 .Y86 1991 Silkworm diseases / 1
SF557 Mulberry : Genetic Improvement in Context of Climate Change. 1