Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
SF61 .B75 | Bioenergetics and growth : with special reference to the efficiency complex in domestic animals / | 1 |
SF61 .E18 2005 | Encyclopedia of animal science / | 1 |
SF61 .E58 2012 | Environmental stress and amelioration in livestock production | 1 |
SF61 .F38 2018eb | Farmer field schools for small-scale livestock producers : a guide for decision makers on improving livelihoods. | 1 |
SF61 .I5 | Intensive livestock farming | 1 |
SF61 .M36 1994 | A manual for the primary animal health care worker : working guide, guidelines for training, guidelines for adaptation. | 1 |
SF61 .R43 2007eb | Redesigning animal agriculture : the challenge of the 21st century / | 2 |
SF61 .W67 | Animal health, production and pasture / | 1 |
SF61 .W67 2011 | World livestock 2011 : livestock in food security / | 1 |
SF61 .W67 2013 | World livestock 2013 : changing disease landscapes / | 2 |
SF61 .Y4 1975 | Animal science reproduction, climate, meat, wool / | 1 |
SF65 .A405 1847 | Domestic animals History and description of the horse, mule, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, and farm dogs. With directions for their management, breeding, crossing, rearing, feeding, and preparation for a profitable market. Also, their diseases and remedies together with full directions for the management of the dairy / | 1 |
SF65 .A66 | Domestic animals : history and description of the horse, mule, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, and farm dogs : with directions for their management, breeding, crossing, rearing, feeding, and preparation for a profitable market : also, their diseases and remedies together with full directions for the management of the dairy / | 1 |
SF65 .T6 | Animal husbandry / | 1 |
SF65.2 .H36 1991 | Handbook of animal science | 1 |
SF67.G7 L3 1871a | Trans-Missouri stock raising : the pasture lands of North America: winter grazing / | 1 |
SF69 .M37 1610 | The first booke of cattell wherein is shewed, the gouernement of oxen, kine, and calues, and how to vse buls and other cattell to the yoke, and fell ; The second booke in treating of the government of horses ; The third booke in treating of the ordering of sheepe, goates, hogges, and dogs / | 1 |
SF69 .M37 1653 |
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles and for the generall cure of their diseases. Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles and for the generall cure of their diseases .. |
2 |
SF69 .M37 1657 |
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the general cure of their diseases : containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases, of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies : shewing further the whole art of riding great horses ... : also, approved rules for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry ... : together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds ... : gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth. Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and for the general cure of their diseases : containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases, of all manner of cattell, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies : shewing further the whole art of riding great horses ... : also, approved rules for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry ... : together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds ... : gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth .. |
2 |
SF69 .M37 1660 |
Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and the general cure of their diseases : containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases, of all manner of cattel, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies : shewing further the whole art of riding great horses ... : also, approved rules for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry ... : together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds ... : gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth. Cheape and good husbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts and fowles, and the general cure of their diseases : containing the natures, breeding, choice, use, feeding, and curing of the diseases, of all manner of cattel, as horse, oxe, cow, sheepe, goats, swine, and tame conies : shewing further the whole art of riding great horses ... : also, approved rules for the cramming and fatting of all sorts of poultry ... : together with the use and profit of bees, the manner of fish-ponds ... : gathered together for the generall good and profit of the common-wealth .. |
2 |