Call Number (LC) Title Results
SI 1.7:16/4 Circular relative to scientific and literary exchanges. 1
SI 1.7:16/5 Business arrangements of the Smithsonian institution / 1
SI 1.7:16/6 List of described species of humming birds / 1
SI 1.7:16/7 List of the principal scientific and literary institutions in the United States / 1
SI 1.7:16/8 List of publications of the Smithsonian institution, July, 1879. 1
SI 1.7:17 The Smithsonian Institution : documents relative to its origin and history / 1
SI 1.7:18 The Smithsonian Institution : journals of the Board of Regents, reports of committees, statistics, etc. / 1
SI 1.7:21 James Smithson and his bequest / 1
SI 1.7:21/1 James Smithson and his bequest / 1
SI 1.7:21/2 The scientific writings of James Smithson / 1
SI 1.7:21/3 Memorial of Joseph Henry. 1
SI 1.7:23 Bibliography of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States to the end of 1879 /
Catalogue of the collection to illustrate the animal resources and the fisheries of the United States : exhibited at Philadelphia in 1876 by the Smithsonian Institution and the United States Fish Commission, and forming a part of the United States National Museum.
The flora of St. Croix and the Virgin Islands /
Contributions to North American ichthyology /
Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America : made in connection with the Howgate Polar Expedition, 1877-78 /
SI 1.7:24 Synopsis of the fishes of North America / 1
SI 1.7:25 Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 1
SI 1.7:25/4 Abstract of transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington, D.C. : with the annual address of the president, for the first year, ending January 20, 1880, and for the second year, ending January 18, 1881 / 1
SI 1.7:25/5, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 1
SI 1.7:26/1 Suggestions for the sanitary drainage of Washington City. 1
SI 1.7:26/2 List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian institution : corrected to January, 1882. 1
SI 1.7:26/3 Additions and corrections for the year 1882 to the List of foreign correspondents. 1
SI 1.7:26/4 Classification of the Coleoptera of North America / 1