Call Number (LC) Title Results
SI 1.7:45/25 A remarkable genus of fishes--the umbras / 1
SI 1.7:45/26 A new occurrence of unakite : a preliminary paper / 1
SI 1.7:45/27 The dinosaur Trachodon annectens / 1
SI 1.7:45/28 Classification of the hares and their allies / 1
SI 1.7:45 [pt.1-29] A skeleton of Hesperornis, / 1
SI 1.7:46/1 Researches on the attainment of very low temperatures / 1
SI 1.7:46/1, etc. Researches on the attainment of very low temperatures / 1
SI 1.7:46/2 A catalogue of North American Diptera (or two-winged flies) / 1
SI 1.7:46/3 Researches in helminthology and parasitology. : By Joseph Leidy ... With a bibliography of his contributions to science, arr. and edited by Joseph Leidy, Jr. 1
SI 1.7:46/4 Index to the literature of gallium, 1874-1903 / 1
SI 1.7:46/5 Index to the literature of germanium, 1886-1903 : prepared by Philip E. Browning. 1
SI 1.7:46/6 Index to the literature of indium, 1863-1903 / 1
SI 1.7:47/1 The absorption of water vapor in the infra-red solar spectrum / 1
SI 1.7:47/2 A new Ashmunella from New Mexico / 1
SI 1.7:47/3 A revision of the Paleozoic Bryozoa. 1
SI 1.7:47/4 On new and old Middle Devonic crinoids / 1
SI 1.7:47/5 Kava drinking as practiced by the Papuans and Polynesians / 1
SI 1.7:47/6 Recent results on the morphology and development of coral polyps / 1
SI 1.7:47/7 Descriptions of seven new species and subspecies of birds from tropical America / 1
SI 1.7:47/8 An historical and systematic review of the frog-shells and tritons / 1