SI 1.7:50/13
Notes on a small collection of mammals from the province of Kan-su, China / |
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SI 1.7:50/14
Descriptions of new species of shells, chiefly Buccinidae, from the dredgings of the U.S.S. "Albatross" during 1906, in the northwestern Pacific, Bering, Okhotsk, and Japanese seas / |
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SI 1.7:50/15
A new larch from Alaska / |
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SI 1.7:50/16
The lumpsucker ; its relationship and habits / |
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SI 1.7:50/17
New plants of the Pacific slope, with some revisions / |
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SI 1.7:50/18
Contributions to the study of the Canyon Diablo meteorites / |
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SI 1.7:50/19
Louis Agassiz / |
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SI 1.7:50/20
Terrestrial isopods of the family Eubelidae, collected in Liberia / |
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SI 1.7:50/21
The relations of the Chinese to the Philippine Islands / |
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SI 1.7:50/22
Excavations at Casa Grande, Arizona, in 1906-07 / |
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SI 1.7:50/23
Nopalea guatemalensis, a new cactus from Guatemala / |
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SI 1.7:50/24
Pereskiopsis, a new genus of Cactaceae / |
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SI 1.7:50/25
Two new ferns of the genus Lindsaea / |
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SI 1.7:50/26
Five new recent crinoids from the north Pacific Ocean / |
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SI 1.7:50/27
New genera of recent free crinoids / |
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SI 1.7:50/28
The air-sacs of the pigeon / |
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SI 1.7:50/29
New and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary formations of Santa Barbara County, California / |
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SI 1.7:50/30
On the occurrence of remains of fossil cetaceans of the genus Schizodelphis in the United States, and on Priscodelphinus (?) crassangulum Case / |
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SI 1.7:50/31
The meteor crater of Canyon Diablo, Arizona ; its history, origin, and associated meteoric irons / |
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SI 1.7:50/32
Notes on Gonidea angulata Lea, a fresh-water bivalve, with description of a new variety / |
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