SI 1.7:52/32
A new rodent of the genus Georychus / |
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SI 1.7:52/33
Two new rodents from British East Africa / |
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SI 1.7:52/34
A heretofore undescribed stony meteorite from Thomson, McDuffie County, Georgia / |
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SI 1.7:52/35
On a remarkable cube of pyrite, carrying crystallized gold and galena of unusual habit / |
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SI 1.7:52/36
A new carnivore from British East Africa / |
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SI 1.7:52/37
Descriptions of fossil plants from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of North America. / |
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SI 1.7:52/38
Two new genera of murine rodents, / |
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SI 1.7:52/39
A shelter for observers on Mount Whitney / |
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SI 1.7:53
Cambrian geology and paleontology / |
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SI 1.7:53/1
Nomenclature of some Cambrian cordilleran formations / |
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SI 1.7:53/2
Cambrian trilobites with six plates / |
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SI 1.7:53/3
Cambrian brachiopoda : descriptions of new genera and species with four plates / |
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SI 1.7:53/4
Classification and terminology of the Cambrian brachiopoda with two plates / |
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SI 1.7:53/5
Cambrian sections of the cordilleran area with two plates / |
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SI 1.7:53/6
Olenellus and other genera of the mesonacidae with twenty-two plates / |
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SI 1.7:53/7
Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada with three plates / |
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SI 1.7:54/1
Landmarks of botanical history : a study of certain epochs in the development of the science of botany / |
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SI 1.7:54/2
Development of the brain of the American alligator : the paraphysis and hypophysis / |
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SI 1.7:54/3
A recalculation of the atomic weights / |
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SI 1.7:54/4
Five new rodents from British East Africa, with two plates / |
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