Call Number (LC) Title Results
SI108-9 Publications of Smithsonian Institution, May 1896 1
SI 131:D 85 A theology of the earth / 1
SI201-1 First annual report of Bureau of Ethnology to Secretary of Smithsonian Institution, 1879-80 1
SI202-1 Proof-sheets of bibliography of languages of North American Indians 1
SI202-2 Dictionary of American Indians north of Mexico Descriptive list of Indian stocks, confederacies, tribes, sub-tribes, clans, gentes, and geographical names, accompanied by list of various names by which Indians and their settlements have been known, together with biographies of Indians of note, sketches of their manners and customs, and list of Indian words incorporated into English language. 1
SI202-3 Collection of gesture-signs and signals of North American Indians, with some comparisons 1
SI202-5 Linguistic families of Indian tribes north of Mexico, with provisional list of principal tribal names and synonyms 1
SI202-6 Introduction to study of mortuary customs among North American Indians 1
SI202-8 Introduction to study of sign language among North American Indians, as illustrating gesture speech of mankind 1
SI202-9 Tribes of North America, with synonymy Skittagetan family. 1
SI203-1 Bibliography of Eskimo language 1
SI203-2 Perforated stones from California 1
SI203-3 Use of gold and other metals among ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien 1
SI203-4 Work in mound exploration of Bureau of Ethnology 1
SI203-5 Bibliography of Siouan languages 1
SI203-6 Bibliography of Iroquoian languages 1
SI203-7 Textile fabrics of ancient Peru 1
SI203-8 Problem of Ohio mounds 1
SI203-9 Bibliography of Muskhogean languages 1
SI203-10 Circular, square, and octagonal earthworks of Ohio 1