Call Number (LC) Title Results
SK35 .E47 The outdoor observer : how to see, hear and interpret in the natural world / 1
SK35 .H774 2000 Hunting for sustainability in tropical forests / 1
SK35 .O7 1960 La caza y los toros. 1
SK35 .P455 1960 Caneta, espingarda e caniço / 1
SK35 .R3955 2009 Recreational hunting, conservation and rural livelihoods : science and practice / edited by Barney Dickson, Jon Hutton and William M. Adams. 1
SK35 .W62 From my hunting day-book / 1
SK35.7 D4 1955 De la aventura y la caza. 1
SK36 .E53 Whereas His Majesty hath been certainly informed of the killing and destroying of the game in and about his honour of Hampton-Court ... 2
SK36 .E53 1624 By the King a proclamation for the apprehension of Edward Ekins. 1
SK36 .H39 Field archery and bowhunting / 1
SK36 .S58 2014 Situational prevention of poaching / 1
SK36.7 .B53 2022 Black Mambas / 1
SK36.7 .H67 1985 The long affray : the poaching wars, 1760-1914 / 1
SK36.7 .M36 1993 Hunters and poachers : a social and cultural history of unlawful hunting in England, 1485-1640 / 2
SK36.7 .S36 Incident at Eagle Ranch : man and predator in the American West / 1
SK36.7 .S74 2012eb Poachers were my prey : eighteen years as an undercover Wildlife Officer / 2
SK36.7 .W45 2010 Shell games : rogues, smugglers, and the hunt for nature's bounty / 1
SK36.9 .C36 Death as a way of life / 1
SK39.5 C6 Colorado hunter safety handbook. 1
SK40 .B6 North American big game : a book of the Boone and Crockett club / 1