Call Number (LC) Title Results
SOC1/300.2/M34/1977 Variation over time in the impact of the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments on the making and breaking of marriages / 1
SOC1/300.2/M34/1977/INTERNET Variation over time in the impact of the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments on the making and breaking of marriages / 1
SOC1/300.2/M71/2/1977 The impact of income maintenance on geographical mobility : preliminary analysis and empirical results from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/M71/1977 Changes in rates of entering and leaving employment under a negative income tax program : evidence from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/M71/1977/INTERNET Changes in rates of entering and leaving employment under a negative income tax program : evidence from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/M72/1977 A model of the effect of income maintenance on rates of marital dissolution : evidence from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/N31/1977 An interim report on the work effort effects and costs of a negative income tax : using results of the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments : a summary / 1
SOC1/300.2/OC2/1979 A preliminary analysis of the effects of the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments on the choice of occupation / 1
SOC1/300.2/P29/1973 The payment system for the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/P95/1978 Income and psychological distress : evidence from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/R29/1977 The reporting of income to Welfare : a study in the accuracy of income reporting / 1
SOC1/300.2/SA4/1978 Sample selection in the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/SA4/1978/INTERNET Sample selection in the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/SA8/1977 Job satisfaction and income maintenance : evidence from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/SO13/1973 Social experimentation : a new tool in economic and policy research / 1
SOC1/300.2/SP/1977 Determinants and changes in normative preferences of spouses / 1
SOC1/300.2/T19/3/1979 Taxes, transfers, and subsidies and the demand for children : the impact of alternative negative income tax programs / 1
SOC1/300.2/T21/2/1978 A longitudinal analysis of the labor supply response to a negative income tax : evidence from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/T21/1978 The effective federal income tax : evidence from the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1
SOC1/300.2/T48/1978 The rate of time preference of families in the Seattle and Denver income maintenance experiments / 1