Call Number (LC) Title Results
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3 no. 2 1999 Missile development and its impact on global security / 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3 no. 3 1999 Symposium on nuclear doctrines / 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3/ no.4 2000 Arms control and disarmament : a new conceptual approach / 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3/ no.5 2001 Terrorism and disarmament / 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3 no.6 2002 A Disarmament Agenda for the Twenty-first Century : UN-China disarmament conference, Beijing, China, 2-4 April 2002. 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3/ no.7 2003 Disarmament in conflict prevention : panel discussion, United Nations, New York, 1 October 2002. 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3 no.8 2004 Multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation regimes and the role of the United Nations : an evaluation : contribution of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters to the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3 no. 9 2004 Symposium on the Relationship between Disarmament and Development : panel discussion, United Nations, New York, 9 March 2004. 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc3 no. 11 2006 United Nations seminar on implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540 in Asia and the Pacific, 12-13 July 2006 Beijing China. 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Oc.3 no.10 2006 Verifying non-proliferation & disarmament agreements today : panel discussion, United Nations, New York, 20 October 2005. 1
ST/DDA(05)/ Up3 DDA ... update / 1
ST/DDA(063.1)/ C2 Regional Conference for the World Disarmament Campaign : February 1985, Cairo, Egypt / 1
ST/DDA(063.1)/ C6 Conference on Security, Disarmament and Development in Africa : meeting of experts, 11-12 August 1985, Lomé, Togo. 1
ST/DDA(063.2)/ N3 Disarmament possibilities : excerpts from the panel discussions organized by the non-governmental community at the United Nations third special session on disarmament, New York, 31 May-25 June 1988. 1
ST/DDA(063.2)/ N3/2 Disarmament possibilities II : excerpts from the panel discussions organized by the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Inc. on the United Nations role in disarmament and international security, New York, 10-12 May 1989. 1
ST/DDA(063.2)/ N3/3 Disarmament possibilities III : excerpts from the panel discussions organized by the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Inc., on The 1990s: new approaches to ensure global security, promote disarmament and development, and preserve the environment New York, 9-11 and 15 May 1990. 1
ST/DDA/SQCA(02)/ Su3cd 1998 Subregional Conference on Democratic Institutions and Peace in Central Africa : Bata, Equatorial Guinea, 18-21 May 1998 : conference report, 1998 / 1
ST/DDSMS(02)/ G85pc 1995 Guidelines on performance contracting : a practitioner's manual. 1
ST/DESA(05)/ S67 Bulletin on social integration policies. 1
ST/DESA/D491 The United Nations development strategy beyond 2015 : policy note /
The United Nations development strategy beyond 2015 policy note /