Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
ST/ESA/STAT/ SER.F/ 89/ 2003 | Manual for the development of a system of criminal justice statistics / | 1 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/ 91 2003 | Handbook on non-profit institutions in the system of national accounts / | 1 |
Designing household survey samples practical guidelines. Designing household survey samples : practical guidelines. |
2 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/98 2008 | Designing household survey samples : practical guidelines. | 1 |
System of environmental-economic accounting for water / System of environmental-economic accounting for water |
2 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/ 100 2012 | System of environmental-economic accounting for water / | 1 |
Measuring the economically active in population censuses : a handbook. Measuring the economically active in population censuses a handbook. |
2 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/ 102 2010 | Measuring the economically active in population censuses : a handbook. | 1 |
Handbook on geospatial infrastructure in support of census activities Handbook on geospatial infrastructure in support of census activities / |
2 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/ 103 2009 | Handbook on geospatial infrastructure in support of census activities / | 1 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/CD/2 | System of national accounts. | 1 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/ no.82/ rev.1 2010 | Handbook on population and housing census editing : revision 1 / | 1 |
Yearbook of international trade statistics. International trade statistics yearbook / |
2 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.J/ | Energy statistics yearbook / | 1 |
Social indicators The world's women : trends and statistics. |
2 |
ST/ ESA/ STAT/ SER.K/ 5 | Compendium of statistics and indicators on the situation of women, 1986 / | 1 |
ST/ ESA/ STAT/ SER.K/ 6 1990 | Handbook for national statistical data bases on women and development / | 1 |
ST/ESA/STAT/Ser.K/ 7 | Statistics and indicators on women in Africa, 1986 = Statistiques et indicateurs sur les femmes en Afrique, 1986 / | 1 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.K/ 9 | Compendium of social statistics and indicators, 1988 / | 1 |
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.K/10 1992 | Wistat, Women's indicators and statistics spreadsheet database for microcomputers (Version 2). | 1 |