Call Number (LC) Title Results
ST/ESCAP(02)/ M55dg 2006 The millennium development goals : progress in Asia and the Pacific 2006 / 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ As4 Asia-Pacific development journal. 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ As5 Asian-Pacific remote sensing and GIS journal. 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ At65 1968 Atlas of physical, economic and social resources of the Lower Mekong Basin : scale ca. 1:4,250,000 / 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ D49 Energy in the ESCAP region : policies, issues, and the potential for regional co-operation.
Foreign investment, trade and economic cooperation in the Asian and Pacific region.
Development strategies for the 1980s in South Asia.
ST/ESCAP(05)/ G46d Gender and development discussion paper series / 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ G46d no.19 2007 Gender assessment of selected e-business and strategies in Asia : the case studies of Malaysia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea and Thailand / 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ M6 Stratigraphic correlation between sedimentary basins of the ESCAP region.
Mining developments in Asia and the Far East.
ST/ESCAP(05)/ M6 no.61 Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific IGCP 296 (1990) : China, Hong Kong, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam and Australia. 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ M6 no.63 1994 Quaternary stratigraphy of Asia and the Pacific, IGCP 296 : quaternary stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of Australia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, and Viet Nam. 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ N49 ESCAP news. 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ St29 Statistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific / 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ S7 Statistical indicators for Asia and the Pacific. 1
ST/ESCAP(05)/ S71 Quarterly bulletin of statistics for Asia and the Pacific / 1
ST/ESCAP/ 7 Proceedings of the meeting of the expert working group on the use of solar and wind energy / 1
ST/ESCAP/ 19.58 Institutional framework and policy dialogue for the promotion of industrial restructuring in the Asian and Pacific region : (feasibility study for the establishment of a forum for promoting sustainable industrial and technological development) 1
ST/ESCAP/ 45 Peak-load coverage with particular reference to gas turbines and hydroelectric plants. 1
ST/ESCAP/ 57 Proceedings of the Seminar and Study Tour on Electricity Distribution Systems in Urban Areas and Their Integration with Transmission Systems / 1
ST/ESCAP(058)/ F76 Foreign trade statistics of Asia and the Far East /
Foreign trade statistics of Asia and the Pacific /
ST/ESCAP(058)/ F76 Ser.A Foreign trade statistics of Asia and the Far East.
Foreign trade statistics of Asia and the Pacific.