Call Number (LC) Title Results
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/52/Rev.3/2011 International merchandise trade statistics : concepts and definitions 2010 / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/58/Rev.1 Recommendations on statistics of international migration / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 58/Rev.1 1998 Recommendations on statistics of international migration / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/60 1977 Provisional international guidelines on the national and sectoral balance-sheet and reconciliation accounts of the system of national accounts / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/64 1979 Manual on national accounts at constant prices / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/67/Rev. 1 Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 67/ Rev.2 2008 Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 77 Provisional central product classification / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 77 Ver.1.0 1998 Central product classification (CPC) : version 1.0 / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER. M/77/Ver.1.1 Central product classification (CPC) : version 1.1 / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 77/ Ver. 1.1 2004 Central product classification (CPC) : version 1.1 / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/78 A Framework for the development of environment statistics / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 78 1984 A Framework for the development of environment statistics / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/79 National accounts statistics : compendium of income distribution statistics / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 79 1985 National accounts statistics : compendium of income distribution statistics / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M. 82 Methods used in compiling the United Nations price indexes for external trade / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 83 1994 Recommendations on tourism statistics / 1
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/83/Rev.1 International recommendations for tourism statistics 2008
International recommendations for tourism statistics 2008 /
ST/ESA/STAT/SER.M/ 83/ Rev. 1 2010 International recommendations for tourism statistics 2008
International recommendations for tourism statistics 2008 /
ST/ESA/STAT/SER/M/84 Classifications of expenditure according to purpose : classification of the functions of government (COFOG), classification of individual consumption according to purpose (COICOP), classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions serving households (COPNI), classification of the outlays of producers according to purpose (COPP) / 1