Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
[ST/GENEVA/]ODG/2007/14 | Delivering better for peace, development and human rights 2007 = Mieux servir la paix, le développement et les droits de l'homme 2007 / | 1 |
ST/GVA(05)/ An7 |
Delivering better for peace, development and human rights 2007 = Mieux servir la paix, le développement et les droits de l'homme 2007 / United Nations Office at Geneva ... annual report. |
2 |
ST/GVA(05)/ An7 2007 | Delivering better for peace, development and human rights 2007 = Mieux servir la paix, le développement et les droits de l'homme 2007 / | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB(016)/ P58 1972 | Catalogue of periodicals, annual and special series currently received at the United Nations Library, Geneva = Catalogue des revues, annuaires et séries spéciales régulièrement reçus a la Bibliothèque des Nations Unies = Catalogo de revistas, anuarios y series especiales recibidos corrientemente en la Biblioteca de las Naciones Unidas. | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/ 85/08 | The murals by José María Sert in the "Francisco de Vitoria Room" (Council Chamber) / | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/ 90/3 | The United Nations Library at Geneva : collections and reader's services. | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/NL/ | Library news = Nouvelles de la bibliotheque / | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/SER.B | Bibliographie mensuelle = Monthly bibliography. | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/SER.B/ | Bibliographie mensuelle = Monthly bibliography. | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/SER.B/Pt.1 | Monthly bibliography. | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/Ser.B/Pt.2 | Monthly bibliography. | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/SER.C/ | Catalogue des publications en série / | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/SER.C/ 2 1999 | Women : a selective bibliography, 1988-1999 = Femmes : bibliographie sélective, 1988-1999 / | 1 |
ST/GVA/LIB/SER.E/ 1 1999 | Guide to the archives of the League of Nations, 1919-1946 / | 1 |
ST/GVA/UN/LIB/ 2003/110 | United Nation libraries and the information society : exhibition at the UNOG library, 1 November-31 December, 2003 = Bibliothèques des Nations Unies et société de l'information : exposition à la Bibliothèque de l'ONUG du 1er novembre au 31 décembre 2003. | 1 |
ST/HCR(02)/ In8tr 1996 | International thesaurus of refugee terminology / | 1 |
ST/HCR(02)/ M2 | A mandate to protect and assist refugees : 20 years of service in the cause of refugees, 1951-1971. | 1 |
ST/HCR(02)/ R28 | Refugees in Africa : a country by country survey / | 1 |
ST/HCR(02)/ R29 | The refugee problem isn't hopeless. : Unless you think so. | 1 |
ST/HCR(02)/ R44hs | Refugees in human settlements / | 1 |