Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Serial set 10058 | Twenty-third annual report of the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia, 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10059 | Third annual report of the Farm Credit Administration, 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10060 | Third annual report of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, covering operations of the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Federal Savings and Loan Division, the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, for the period January 1, through June 30, 1935, and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation... January 17, 1936. -- Referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency and ordered to be printed. | 1 |
Serial set 10061 | Fifteenth annual report of the Federal Power Commission, fiscal year ended June 30, 1935, with additional activities to December 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10062 | Annual report of the Federal Trade Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10063 | 49th annual report of the Interstate Commerce Commission, December 1, 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10064 | Report of the Librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10065 | Bulletin of the Pan American Union. Vol. LXX. [January-June 1936.]. | 1 |
Serial set 10066 | Bulletin of the Pan American Union. Vol. LXX. [July-December 1936.] | 1 |
Serial set 10067 | Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year ending June 30, 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10068 | Report on the progress and condition of the United States National Museum for the year ended June 30, 1932. | 1 |
Serial set 10069 | Journal of Rudolph Friederich Kurz: An account of his experiences among fur traders and American Indians on the Mississippi and the upper Missouri Rivers during the years 1846 to 1852, translated by Myrtis Jarrell, edited by J.N.B. Hewitt. [Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 115.]. | 1 |
Serial set 10070-1 | Volume I of the annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1935. [Annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1935. In two volumes. Volume I. -- Proceedings, 1933, 1934, and 1935.]. | 1 |
Serial set 10070-2 | Volume II of the annual report of the American Historical Association for the year 1935. [Writings on American history, 1935: A bibliography of books and articles on United States and Canadian history published during the year 1935, with some memoranda on other portions of America, by Grace Gardner Griffin and Dorothy M. Louraine.]. | 1 |
Serial set 10071 | Annual report of the Tennessee Valley Authority for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1935. | 1 |
Serial set 10072 |
Nineteenth annual report of the United States Employees' Compensation Commission, July 1, 1934, to June 30, 1935. Twenty-second annual report of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, covering operations for the year 1935. Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, transmitting the twenty-second annual report... covering operations during the calendar year 1935. May 18, 1936. -- Referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency and ordered to be printed, with illustrations. Fifty-second annual report of the United States Civil Service Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1935. Annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1935. Annual report of Assistant Director General of Railroads, 1935. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting for the information of the Congress the annual report of the Assistant Director General of Railroads for the calendar year 1935. February 3, 1936. -- Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered to be printed. Nineteenth annual report of the United States Tariff Commission, 1935. Letter from the Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission, transmitting the nineteenth annual report of the United States Tariff Commission in compliance with the provisions of section 332 of the act of Congress approved June 17, 1930. January 6, 1936. -- Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. Second annual report of the Federal Housing Administration. Letter from the Administrator of the Federal Housing Administration, transmitting the second annual report of the Administration for the year ended December 31, 1935. Annual report of the Governor of the Panama Canal for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1935. |
9 |
Serial set 10073 | Catalog of the public documents of the Seventy-fourth Congress and of all departments of the government of the United States for the period from January 1, 1935, to December 31, 1936. (No. 23 of the comprehensive index provided for by the act of Jan. 12, 1895.). | 1 |
Serial set 10074 | Journal of the Senate of the United States of America. First session of the Seventy-fifth Congress begun and held at the City of Washington January 5, 1937, in the one hundred and sixty-first year of the independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 10075 | Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States. Seventy-fifth Congress first session begun and held at the City of Washington : : January 5, 1937 in the one hundred and sixty-first year of the independence of the United States. | 1 |
Serial set 10076 |
"To Extend the Time within Which the Powers Relating to the Stabilization Fund and Alteration of the Weight of the Dollar May Be Exercised." January 16, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Repeal an act of March 3, 1933, entitled "An Act To Provide for the Transfer of Powder and Other Explosive Materials from Deteriorated and Unserviceable Ammunition under the Control of the War Department to the Department of Agriculture for Use in Land Clearing, Drainage, Road Building, and Other Agricultural Purposes." February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Qualifications of practitioners of law in the District of Columbia. February 5, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Technical Tripartite Textile Conference in Washington in April 1937. March 8, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. Navy Department and naval service appropriation bill, fiscal year 1938. March 18, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. Construction of storage reservoirs. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Change the name of the Chemical Warfare Service. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the furnishing of steam from the central heating plant to the District of Columbia. April 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending times for construction and completion of bridge across Missouri River at Garrison, N. Dak. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of an excise tax upon carriers and an income tax upon their employees. February 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act authorizing Hawaii to issue certain bonds. May 11 (calendar day, May 12), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorizing the Conveyance to the State of Virginia, for Highway Purposes Only, of Portions of the Fort Myer Military Reservation, Va., and for Other Purposes." March 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed Continuation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. January 14, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Limit trains to seventy cars. April 27, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing an additional number of medical and dental officers for the Army. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Declaring Park River, Conn., to be nonnavigable. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Mississippi River between East St. Louis, Ill., and St. Louis, Mo. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "To Protect More Effectively the Governmental Monopoly of the Carriage of Mail." March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the renewal of star-route contracts at four-year intervals, and for other purposes. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Relieve restricted Indian lands from payment of taxes. April 12, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Interstate commerce in bituminous coal. March 25, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the bridge act of March 3, 1931, as amended. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. State of Maine. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Flood Control Act of 1936. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of the family of Miguel Paula, a citizen of the Netherlands. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Official papers of the territories. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the acquisition of land for military purposes at Fort Ethan Allen, Vt. March 29 (calendar day, April 2), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Exempting retired officers of the Marine Corps and Coast Guard from certain restrictions with respect to holding office under the United States. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional lands reserved for the Koosharem Band of Paiute Indians, Utah. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Safety of employees and travelers on railroads. March 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Punishment of persons stealing animals moving in interstate commerce. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Funds for purchase and distribution of products of the fishing industry. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting concessions and leasing lands in connection with reservoir sites and Indian irrigation projects. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Increasing the number of midshipmen allowed at the United States Naval Academy from the District of Columbia. April 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Sergeant-instructors, National Guard. June 1, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Disposition of certain lands on Manzanillo Island, Republic of Panama. June 1 (calendar day, June 3) 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing assignment of officers of the line of the Marine Corps to staff duty only as assistant quarter masters and assistant paymasters. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Citizenship of certain classes of persons born in the Canal Zone or the Republic of Panama. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Whitman County, Wash. June 1, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Expediting dispatch of vessels from certain ports of call. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Canal Zone Code. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Omaha-Council Bluffs Missouri River Bridge Board of Trustees. June 1, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Allowing credit to homestead settlers and entrymen for certain military service. June 1, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Illinois Waterway and Calumet River, Ill. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Superannuation compensation for certain employees, Panama Canal. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Coast Guard air station, San Francisco Airport, San Francisco, Calif. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Coast Guard station at or near Menominee, Mich. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing a uniform method for examinations for promotion of warrant officers. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing credits to disbursing officers for expenses incident to the creation of Subsistence Homesteads Corporations. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of War to lease to Old Fort Niagara Association, Inc., portions of the Fort Niagara Military Reservation, N.Y. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bureau of Air Commerce, airplanes, etc. June 7 (calendar day, June 8), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Senator from Tennessee. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Wartime rank to retired officers and former officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and/or Coast Guard. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending provisions of the pension laws to include reserve officers and members of the enlisted reserves. June 7 (calendar day, June 10), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937. Report of the Committee on Appropriations on H.J. Res. 361, a joint resolution making appropriation for relief purposes, together with the views of the minority of the Committee. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Federal Register Act. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. District of Columbia appropriation bill, 1938. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Potomac River at or near Shepherdstown, W. Va. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Wabash River at Merom, Ind. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Services and operations of Inland Waterways Corporation extended to Savannah River. June 7 (calendar day, June 8), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Manner of inflicting the punishment of death. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing benefits on account of disability or death due to service in the armed forces of the United States in the event of war. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims. June 7 (calendar day, June 10), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Philippine currency reserves on deposit in the United States. June 7 (calendar day, June 10), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing national flags for the burials of honorably discharged former service men and women. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing payment of attorneys fees by certain Indians on the Quinaielt Reservation, State of Washington. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Railroad retirement bill. June 7 (calendar day, June 10), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Dormitory properties of the Chickasaw Nation. June 7 (calendar day, June 10), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Payment to Sioux Indians, Pine Ridge Reservation, S. Dak. June 7 (calendar day, June 10), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Air safety act, 1937. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Air transport act, 1937. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing Indians to file amended petitions in suits pending in Court of Claims. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for addition of certain lands to the Fort Donelson National Military Park in the State of Tennessee. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Reorganization of the federal judiciary. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Establishment of a Coast Guard Station on Lake Pontchartrain, La. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for manner of payment of taxes on gross-production taxes on minerals, Oklahoma. May 3, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Directing the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the alleged efforts of privately owned public utilities to control public opinion concerning public ownership of electrical facilities. May 3, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the period during which the purposes specified in section 7 (A) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act may be carried out by payments by the Secretary of Agriculture to producers. May 3, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Establishment of Coast Guard station on coast of Georgia at or near Tybee Island. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Limitation of right of review of decisions of the Patent Office in trade-mark cases. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Point Pleasant Battle Monument, Point Pleasant, W. Va. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Alaska reindeer industry. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional lands reserved for the Kanosh Band of Paiute Indians, Utah. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of boundaries of Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Second deficiency appropriation bill,1937. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Providing for Acceptance and Cashing of Government Pay Checks of Retired Naval Personnel and Members of the Fleet Naval and Marine Corps Reserves by Commissary Stores and Ships' Stores Ashore, Located Outside the Continental Limits of the United States." May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Exchange of land in Hudson Falls, N.Y., for the purpose of the post office site. May 11 (calendar day, May 12), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. World War provisional officers. May 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Agricultural appropriation bill, 1938. May 11 (calendar day, May 12), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the exchange between the United States and the Union Terminal Co. of certain properties in connection with the parcel-post building site at Dallas, Tex. May 11 (calendar day, May 12), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Protection of patents affairs and copyrights at Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., 1939. May 13 (calendar day, May 19), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Columbia River at Astoria, Oreg. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Incorporating the Marine Corps League. May 13 (calendar day, May 17), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Potomac River near Dahlgren, Va. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Cession by the State of Arkansas of jurisdiction over all lands now or hereafter included within the Hot Springs National Park, Ark. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Marketing agreements and orders. May 13 (calendar day, May 19), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Mississippi River near Natchez, Miss. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Public Law No. 628, seventy-fourth Congress. May 26, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing sale of certain surplus War Department real property. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. American Legion Museum, Newport News, Va. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Appointments to the United States Military Academy made upon the recommendation of the Governor of the Panama Canal. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendments to the Neutrality Act. February 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extend the authority of the President under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. February 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. State of Massachusetts. February 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Savannah River at Lincolnton, Ga. February 24 (calendar day, March 1), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Disposition of cases in which the validity of acts of Congress is drawn in question. February 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend section 22 of the act approved March 4, 1935, entitled "An Act Providing for Sundry Matters Affecting the Naval Service, and for Other Purposes." February 24 (calendar day, March 2), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Declaring Turtle Bay and Turtle Bayou in Texas nonnavigable waterways. February 24 (calendar day, March 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Labor Preferences in Connection with Certain Public Works Projects." March 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Administrator or Veterans' Affairs to accept title for the United States to certain real property to be donated by Henry Ford and wife for Veterans' Administration facility purposes. March 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Treasury and Post Office Departments appropriation bill, fiscal year 1938. March 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Investigation under federal reclamation laws. March 12, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. Relief to water users on United States reclamation and Indian irrigation projects. March 12, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional judges, ninth circuit. March 17, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Issuance and use of continuous discharge books, or certificates of identification and certificates of discharge, by seamen. March 17, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Indian Claims Commission Act. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Gross production tax on lead and zinc produced on Quapaw Indian lands. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Payment to the Sac and Fox tribe of Oklahoma. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Credit certain Indian tribes with sums heretofore expended from tribal funds on Indian irrigation works. March 23, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. Relief of Indians occupying railroads lands in Arizona, New Mexico, and California. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Eastern and Western Cherokees -- construing Acts of March 19, 1924 (43, Stat. L. 27) and April 25, 1932 (47 Stat. L. 137). March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorize exchange of lands at military reservations, and for other purposes. March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Interstate shipment of petroleum and its products produced in violation of state law. March 25, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorizing the Construction of Certain Auxiliary Vessels for the Navy." May 26, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. National Unemployment and Relief Commission. May 26, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Simplifying accounting. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Benton Harbor Canal, Benton Harbor, Mich., nonnavigable. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Protection of foreign patents and copyrights at New York World's Fair. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Appropriation for the investigation of migratory labor. May 26, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing acquisition of land for cemeterial purposes in vicinity of San Francisco, Calif. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Mississippi River between St. Louis, Mo., and Stites, Ill. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Columbia River between Puget Island and the Mainland, Cathlamet, Wash. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Excess costs of navigation dams and locks on Mississippi River. May 28, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended. May 28, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. First deficiency appropriation bill, 1937. January 30, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. New York World's Fair, 1939. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorizing Allotment of Pay by Civilian Personnel Stationed Abroad." April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Collecting and publishing of statistics of red-cedar shingles. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of estate of Li Ying-Ting (Li Ing Ding). April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the removal at government expense of certain financially distressed aliens who voluntarily apply for permission to return to their native country. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the settlement of outstanding claims against Chapman Field, Fla. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Survey of hydroelectric power and reclamation project at Cabinet Gorge, on the Clark Fork of the Columbia River. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for an investigation and report of losses resulting from the campaign for the eradication the Mediterranean fruit-fly by the Department of Agriculture. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Emergent appropriations for certain federal activities. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. National encampment of Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1937. May 3, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. American Island, S. Dak., tourist camp and recreational facilities. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Prevention of land speculation in the Columbia Basin. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. George A. Woody, Samuel L. Metcalfe, Frank W. Halsey, Myron J. Conway, John A. Otto, and Leon L. Kotzebue. May 3, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Further extend the period for emigration of Filipinos from the United States to the Philippine Islands. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the law relating to residence requirements of applicants for examinations before the Civil Service Commission. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Deport certain aliens who marry citizens to fraudulently expedite their admission as immigrants to the United States. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Merrimack River between Haverhill and Groverland, in Massachusetts. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the purchase of outstanding cotton pool participation trust certificates, and for other purposes. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the helium act approved March 3, 1927. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed Deposit of Indian funds. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for importation of articles free from tariff or customs duty for the purpose of exhibition at the Golden Gate International Exposition to be held at San Francisco, Calif., in 1939, and for other purposes. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Crime and criminal procedure in Alaska. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing privilege of renewing expiring 5-year level-premium term policies for another 5-year period. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional lands reserved for the Shivwitz band of Paiute Indians, Utah. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Missouri River at Rulo, Nebr. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Prevention of profiteering in time of war. Report of the Committee on Military Affairs on S. 25 a bill to prevent profiteering in time of war and to equalize the burdens of war and thus provide for the national defense, and promote peace together with the minority views of Mr. Nye and Mr. Lundeen. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Juvenile court for the District of Columbia. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Preventing fraud, deception, or other improper practice before the Patent Office. May 6, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Reimposing trust period on lands allotted Yakima Indians, Washington. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Retirement pay of officers, other than regular officers, incurring physical disability in World War. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending the lending authority of the Disaster Loan Corporation to apply to flood disasters in the year 1936. May 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Making the Civilian Conservation Corps a permanent agency. May 11 (calendar day, May 12), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona. May 11 (calendar day, May 12), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Lake Michigan at entrance to Chicago River, Ill., and bridge across Michigan Canal or Ogden Slip in Chicago, Ill. May 13 (calendar day, May 19), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Pearl River near Jackson, Miss. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Yosemite National Park, Calif. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Eleventh International Dairy Congress, Berlin, Germany, in 1937. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. United States government property, Amoy, China. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridges across Monongahela, Allegheny, and Youghiogheny Rivers, County of Allegheny, Pa. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. International Congress of Architects to be held in the United States in 1939. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the obligation of funds for work at government-owned establishments. May 13 (calendar day, May 17), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Ohio River between Rockport, Ind., and Owensboro, K.Y. May 13 (calendar day, May 19), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Purchase and distribution of surplus agricultural commodities. May 13 (calendar day, May 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorize the conferring of the bachelor of science degree on living graduates of the Military Academy, the Naval Academy, and the Coast Guard Academy. January 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending times for construction of highway bridge at Atchison, Kans. January 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Permit the Exchange of Used Parts of Certain Types of Equipment for New or Reconditioned Parts of the Same Equipment." January 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Provide for Loans to Farmers for Crop Production and Harvesting during the Year 1937, and for Other Purposes." January 26, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Preliminary survey of Snake River in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon for flood control. January 27, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Gustaf E. Lambert. January 27, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Create the Capital Auditorium Commission." January 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. National Gallery of Art. February 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Interstate Commerce Act. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "To Provide for the Quartering in Certain Public Buildings in the District of Columbia of Troops Participating in the Inaugural Ceremonies." January 6 (calendar day, Jan. 8), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of the three-hundredth anniversary of the original Norfolk (Virginia) land grant and the two-hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the City of Norfolk, Virginia, as a borough. January 16, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Foods, drugs, and cosmetics. February 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Amend Act Approved February 7, 1913, So as To Remove Restrictions as to Use of Little Rock Confederate Cemetery, and for Other Purposes." February 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Anastasia Island Lighthouse Reservation, Fla. February 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. San Carlos Apache Indians, payment for ceded lands. February 15 (calendar day, Feb. 17), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Readjustment of account between United States and Vermont. February 1 (calendar day, February 2), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Repeal a proviso relating to teaching or advocating communism in the public schools of the District of Columbia, and appearing in the District of Columbia appropriation act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936. February 1 (calendar day, February 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorize the Sale of Surplus War Department Real Property." February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Increase the extra pay to enlisted men for reporting. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Muskogee or Creek Tribe -- appropriation carrying out agreement -- March 1, 1901. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claims of Assiniboine Indians -- Montana. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend Section 1860 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, to permit retired officers and enlisted men of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps to hold civil office in any territory of the United States. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Walter M. Seesee. February 8, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend Articles of War 50 1/2 and 70. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Prohibit the Unauthorized Wearing, Manufacture, or Sale of Medals and Badges Issued by the Navy Department." February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend the charter of the National Education Association of the United States. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Improvements at St. Josephs Harbor, Fla. February 8, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Kiowa, Comanche, Apache Indian jurisdictional act. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Western bands of the Shoshone Nation, Nevada, jurisdictional act. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Osage Civilization Fund. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Amend That Provision of the Act Approved March 3, 1979 (20 Stat. L. 412), Relating to Issue of Arms and Ammunition for the Protection of Public Money and Property." February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend the act of June 23, 1936, authorizing the Secretary of War to set apart as a national cemetery certain lands of the Fort Snelling Military Reservation, Minn. February 8, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Granting consent to Montana and Wyoming to enter into compact for division of waters of Yellowstone River. February 8, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorize the acceptance of certain lands in the City of San Diego, Calif., by the United States, and the transfer by the Secretary of the Navy of certain lands to said City of San Diego. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Purchase and distribution of products of fishing industry. February 8, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Participation of the United States in the International Exposition of Paris, 1937. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to accept gifts and bequests for the benefit of the Office of Naval Records and Library, Navy Department. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indians of North Dakota. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorize the procurement, without advertising, of certain War Department property, and for other purposes. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Insurance of rehabilitation loans by the Federal Housing Administration. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending construction and completion time of bridge across Delaware River near Trenton, N.J. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Amend the Act Approved February 15, 1929, Entitled 'An Act To Permit Certain Warrant Officers To Count All Active Service Rendered under Temporary Appointments as Warrant or Commissioned Officers in the Regular Navy, or as Warrant or Commissioned Officers in the United States Naval Reserve Force, for Purpose of Promotion to Chief Warrant Rank.'" February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend section 7 of the act approved May 29, 1934, entitled "An Act To Regulate the Distribution, Promotion, Retirement, and Discharge of Commissioned Officers of the Marine Corps, and for Other Purposes." February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing distribution of products of fishing industry. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Enabling Coast Guard officers to purchase articles of ordnance property for use in public service. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Star-route contractors and subcontractors. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending period during which direct obligations of the United States may be used as collateral security for Federal Reserve notes. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Regulating commerce in firearms. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Further extending times for commencing and completing bridge across Missouri River between Decatur, Nebr., and Onawa, Iowa. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Reservoir system for the protection of Pittsburgh and Ohio Valley in case of floods. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing construction of bridge across White River at Eagle Rock, Mo. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Establishment of a permanent instruction staff at the United States Coast Guard Academy. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend the act entitled "An Act Making Appropriations for the Naval Service for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1903, and for Other Purposes," approved July 1, 1902. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Continuance of participation of United States in Great Lakes Exposition in State of Ohio in 1937. February 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend section 5 of the act entitled "An Act Authorizing the Construction, Repair, and Preservation of Certain Public Works on Rivers and Harbors, and for Other Purposes," approved March 3, 1925, to authorize the payment of a per diem in connection with naval aerial surveys and flight checking of aviation charts. February 15 (calendar day, February 17), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend an act entitled "An Act Making Appropriations for the Naval Service for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1910, and for Other Purposes," approved March 3, 1909, to extend commissary privileges to widows of officers and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, and also to officers of the foreign service of the United States at foreign stations. February 15 (calendar day, Feb. 17), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Independent offices appropriation bill, 1938. February 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Roger P. Ames. February 15 (calendar day, Feb. 17), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing emergency relief funds for health and sanitation in flood areas. February 15 (calendar day, February 17), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Naval petroleum reserves. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing cooperation in the development of farm forestry in the states and territories. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the better administration of justice in the Navy. April 12, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Toll bridge across Straits of Mackinac at or near a point between St. Ignace, Mich., and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorizing Establishment of a Naval Air Station on San Francisco Bay, Calif., and for Other Purposes." April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of War to release a certain right-of-way no longer needed for military purposes at the Springfield Armory, Mass. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extending times for commencing and completing construction of free highway bridge across Mississippi River at or near La Crosse, Wis. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending Flood Control Act of 1936. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing further for membership on the Board of Visitors, United States Military Academy. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing for the erection of a public historical museum in the Custer Battlefield National Cemetery, Mont. April 12, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Adjusting Rank of Certain Coast Guard Officers on the Retired List." April 12, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing an increase in the annual appropriation for books for the adult blind. April 12, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the revision of the boundaries of the Snoqualmie National Forest, in the State of Washington. April 12, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Appropriations for the control of outbreaks of insect pests. April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Prevention of blindness in infants. April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Office of Counselor of the Department of State. April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending act re term of court, Orlando, Fla. April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Special statistical studies by Department of Labor. April 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing an appropriation for the erection of a memorial to the officers and men of the United States Navy who lost their lives as the result of a boiler explosion that totally destroyed the U.S.S. "Tulip" near St. Inigoes Bay, Md., on November 11, 1864, and for other purposes. February 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Retirement of Supreme Court justices. February 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Making Funds Available for Control of Incipient or Emergency Outbreaks of Insect Pests or Plant Diseases, Including Grasshoppers, Mormon Crickets, and Chinch Bugs." February 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to provide for classification of cotton, to furnish information on market supply, demand, location, condition, and market prices for cotton, and for other purposes. February 24 (calendar day, Mar. 2), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Employ skilled shorthand reporters. February 24 (calendar day, March 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Establish a board of shorthand reporting. February 24 (calendar day, March 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Samoan organic act. February 24 (calendar day, Mar. 1), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Columbia River at or near The Dalles, Oreg. February 24 (calendar day, March 1), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across Missouri River at Brownville, Nebr. February 24 (calendar day, March 1), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Pulaski memorial day. March 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. For the payment of certain employees. March 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Experiment station of the Bureau of Mines at Salt Lake City, Utah. March 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to accept from the State of Utah title to a certain state-owned section of land and to patent other land to the state in lieu thereof, and for other purposes. March 11, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension and completion of the United States Capitol. March 8, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Foods, drugs, and cosmetics. March 8, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. State of Pennsylvania. March 17, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Radio bill. March 17, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. Relief for persons erroneously convicted. March 17, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Relative to qualification of J.P. Kennedy as member of United States Maritime Commission. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Payment of attorneys' fees from Osage tribal funds. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Blackfoot Reservoir, Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, investigation of damage claims. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend Public Law No. 780, Seventy-fourth Congress, to authorize the acquisition of lands in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, as a site for a naval air station and to authorize the construction and installation of a naval air station thereon, for the purposes of making a correction therein. March 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. March 23, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemoration of seventy-fifth anniversary of the Battle of Antietam. March 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Providing for the Removal of Civil or Criminal Prosecutions from a State Court to the United States District Court in Certain Cases." April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Retirement annuities for former employees of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad Co. April 27, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend the act of May 25, 1933 (48 Stat. 73), relating to the granting of the bachelor of science degree to graduates of the Military Academy, the Naval Academy, and the Coast Guard Academy. March 19 (calendar day, Mar. 22), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Coast Guard station at or near Manistique, Mich. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Sale of old post-office building at Oakland, Calif. March 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the transfer to the Attorney General of a portion of the Fort Reno Quartermaster Depot Military Reservation, Okla., as a permanent site of the United States Southwestern Reformatory. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Amend the Act of May 3, 1935, Relating to the Promotion of Safety on the Highways of the District of Columbia." March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend section 7 of the Appropriation Act of 1903, as amended. March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. World Jamboree of the Boy Scouts to be held in the Netherlands in the months of July and August, 1937. March 19, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor appropriation bill, 1938. April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Coosa River at Gilberts Ferry, Ala. February 24 (calendar day, March 1), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the Canal Zone Code. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Protection of northern Pacific halibut fishery. June 7 (calendar day, June 8), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Permit Articles Imported from Foreign Countries for the Purpose of Exhibition at the Greater Texas and Pan-American Exposition, Dallas, Tex., To Be Admitted without Payment of Tariff, and for Other Purposes." March 15, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Estate of Chiang Hsi Ying. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Crow tribe of Indians of Montana. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of War to transfer to the people of Puerto Rico certain real estate pertaining to the post of San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and for other purposes. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Establishment of Coast Guard station at or near Pass-a-Grille Beach, Fla. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amend the gambling laws of the District of Columbia. February 5, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorize the Attendance of the Marine Band at the United Confederate Veterans' 1937 Reunion at Jackson, Miss., June 9, 10, 11, and 12, 1937." March 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Olmedo Alfaro, a citizen of Ecuador. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Preliminary examination and survey of Santa Maria River. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Extension of guaranty of debentures of Federal Housing Administration. February 1 (calendar day, Feb. 2), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Li Po-Tien, a citizen of China. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Legislative branch appropriation bill, 1938. April 14, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Compensation of persons serving as postmaster at third- and fourth-class post offices. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claims of certain citizens of Nicaragua. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amending the act of June 7, 1935 (49 Stat. 332), and for other purposes (increasing the number of cadets to the U.S. Military Academy from the District of Columbia). April 19 (calendar day, April 20), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Amend the National Firearms Act, Approved June 26, 1934." March 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Further extending times for commencing and completing bridge across Missouri River at South Sioux City, Nebr., and Sioux City, Iowa. February 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Promote safety of passengers and employees over railroads. March 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorize Certain Payments to the American War Mothers, Inc.; the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Inc.; and the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, Inc." March 29 (calendar day, Apr. 2), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed Amend the act of February 28, 1925 (43 stat. 1053) relative to postal rates on third-class mail matter. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Provide special rates of postage on matter for the blind. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Arapahoe and Cheyenne jurisdictional bill. March 29 (calendar day, April 5), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Acquisition of land for use and benefit of Santa Rosa Band of Mission Indians, California. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorize the Secretary of War To Sell to the General Motors Corporation a Tract of Land Comprising Part of Holabird Quartermaster Depot, Baltimore, Md." March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Creek equalization claims. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Prevent use of federal official patronage in elections. March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Providing that graduates of approved school ships may be rated as able seamen upon graduation. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Cooperative agricultural extension work. April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing the Secretary of War to dispose of material to the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America. April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Ling Mau Mau, a citizen of China. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Ch'u Shin-Hsiang (Cheu S. Ziang) and Ma Jui-Hsiang (Mo Zung Poo), citizens of China. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Gen. Higino Alvarez, a Mexican citizen, with respect to lands on the Farmers Banco in the State of Arizona. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of estate of Samuel Richardson. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Participation by the United States in the tenth Pan American Sanitary Conference. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Farm Island, S. Dak., amusement and recreational facilities. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of N.J. Moosa,a British subject. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. First permanent settlement in the Delaware River Valley. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Adjusting rank of certain Coast Guard officers on retired list. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing and directing the Comptroller General of the United States to allow credit for all outstanding disallowances and suspensions in the accounts of disbursing officers or agents of the government for payments made pursuant to certain adjustments and increases in compensation of government officers and employees. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Shanghai Electric Construction Co., Ltd. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Henry Borday, a citizen of France. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Janet Hardcastle Ross, a citizen of Canada. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Ammunition storage facilities at Camp Stanley, Tex., and Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna, Ill. April 27, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Fort Niagara, N.Y. April 27, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Additional judge, Southern District of Ohio. June 7 (calendar day, June 14), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Authorizing transfer of certain military reservations to other agencies of the government and to the people of Puerto Rico. June 7, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Retirement of certain employees in the legislative branch of the government. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Declaring Scajaquada Creek, N.Y., to be nonnavigable. April 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Participation by the United States in the San Francisco World's Fair, 1939. May 10, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge across the Potomac River near Point of Rocks, Frederick County, Md. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Relief of Mercedes Martinez Viuda De Sanchez, a Dominican subject. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Limiting operation of sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code and Section 190 of the Revised Statutes. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 31), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal-aid road funds for the District of Columbia. March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Enriqueta Koch v. de Jeanneret, a citizen of Chile. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Amendments to Federal Trade Commission Act. March 19, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. "Authorizing the Secretary of War To Sell, Loan, or Give Samples of Supplies and Equipment to Prospective Manufacturers." April 9, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Simplification of accounting. April 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Comprehensive national plan for prevention of flood control. June 7 (calendar day, June 8), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Prohibit the making of photographs, sketches, or maps of vital military and naval defensive installations and equipment, and for other purposes. February 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Promote safety of passengers and employees over railroads. March 19, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Federal aid to the states for the support of public schools. March 19, 1935. -- Ordered to be printed. "Relative to Consolidation of Rural Mail Routes." March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia. March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Inyo and Mono Counties, Calif. -- exchange of lands. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 31), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Payment to government of Japan for proposed deportation of enemy aliens from China during the World War. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Claim of Ts'ao Jung-K'Aun (Dzao Yong Kwer), Yao Ah-Ken, and Chiang Ah-Erh (Tsiange Ah Erh) citizens of China. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Reserve public domain for Capitan Grande Band, Mission Indians, California. March 29 (calendar day, Mar. 30), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Resale price maintenance. March 29, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Regulate the sales of goods in the District of Columbia. February 5, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Limiting the operation of sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code. April 22, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Coast Guard stations along the Maine coast. June 1 (calendar day, June 3), 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. Bridge and causeway between Cedar Point and Dauphin Island, Ala. May 24, 1937. -- Ordered to be printed. |
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